Convertor Pro v4.0

(c) Copyright July 2000

by ZingWare




Table of Contents

Content of the Zip file
System Requirements

Converting values of measurements
Editing categories/conversion factors
Conversion ratios
Special categories
Color settings

Future Enhancements
Bug Reporting
Remarks/Known "bugs"

1. Overview

A 5 star ZDNET rated customisable scientific conversions application. Now in COLOR !
The application has 37 built in different categories and contains nearly 500 different conversion factors.
The application supports the following categories: length, area, mass, illuminance, power, time, angle, pressure, temperature, energy, force, density, velocity, acceleration, scientific prefixes and more.
The user can edit each of the factors in each of the categories, add new factors and delete factors.
The user has 8 empty categories which can be used as custom created categories.
This utility supports double precision math, scientific, engineering and normal notations input & output, editing functions for the results, adjustable displayed accuracy.
A Lite version with only 10 categories which is not customizable is also available under the name Palm Convertor Lite.
The Palm convertor Pro (formerly known as Palm III convertor Pro) is designated for the Palm III, Palm IIIx, Palm V, Palm Vx , Palm VII and all devices that run PalmOS 3.0 and above .
The PalmPilot Convertor Pro is optimized for PalmPilot personal or proffesional devices (PalmOS 2.0) and would work also on PalmOS 3.x devices.

2. Content of the Zip file

The following files are included in the zipped file:

- pconvpro.prc (The program file)
- PALM_CONVERTOR_PRO.PDB (the factors database)

- Readme.html (This file)
- gif files (graphics for this file)


3. System Requirements

- PalmOs v3.0 or above - For Palm Convertor Pro. (This one supports color)
(Which means Palm III, Palm IIIe, Palm IIIx, Palm IIIxe, Palm IIIc, Palm V, Palm Vx, Palm VII, Visor, TRGPro or a PalmPilot with the 2MB upgrade - or any other devices that support the PalmOS 3.0 and above).

- PalmOs v2.0 or above - For PalmPilot Convertor Pro.
(Which means PalmPilot Personal/Professional, Palm III, Palm IIIe, Palm IIIx, Palm IIIxe, Palm IIIc, Palm V, Palm Vx, Palm VII, Visor, TRGPro or a PalmPilot with the 2MB upgrade - or any other devices that support the PalmOS 2.0 and above).


4. Installing/Upgrading

First time installation
- To install this program, use your Palm device install tool and Hotsync to load the following files: pconvpro.prc and PALM_CONVERTOR_PRO.PDB (after you unzipped them from the Zip file) into the Palm device.

Upgrading - To upgrade to a newer version and keep your settings, DO NOT remove the application from your Palm device. Install only the pconvpro.prc file.

5. Uninstalling

To uninstall, simply, delete the application from your device using the "Applications manager".

6. Manual

6.1 Converting values of measurements

Tap the Palm Convertor icon. Choose one of the categories by tapping the appropriate entry in the categories popup list (top right corner of the screen).
Enter The value to be converted in the input field (top editable text field) . Tap the desired measurement unit name (from the list) to perform conversions.
Values entered in the input field should take the form: [+/-]X[.Y][e[+/-]Z] where X,Y,Z are integeres.That means you can enter negative/positive numbers including fractions and with an exponent(positive or negative).
To see more results in different units tap the scroll buttons (or press the up/down hardware keys) to scroll the list up or down (The larger arrows and the hardware keys scroll 5 lines at a time).
Values Can be cut, copied and pasted to and from each of the fields by accessing the Edit menu.

To change category use the categories popup list.
To clear the results tap the "Clear" button.
To change displayed accuracy choose from displayed accuracy popup list (bottom right corner of the screen) a number of digits to be displayed after the decimal dot.
To change dispaly notation tap the scientific/engineering/normal button (bottom left corner of the screen).



6.2 Editing categories/conversion factors

CAUTION: Editing existing categories and factors may result in the loss of the original data. If you changed a category or factors and want the original values back you can do one of two things:
Edit the categories/factors and put in them the original values or you can start from scratch and reinstall the application .

In order to edit a category the user should first choose it as the current category from the categories popup list (there are 8 empty categories at the end of the list which the user can use for creating new category).
Choose from the OPTIONS menu : "Edit conversion factors".

The editor window is divided into 2 parts: the category name editing section and the factors editing section. To edit the category title tap the 'edit' button (upper left) and edit the title text field. when done tap the 'done' button (to the right of the field - not visible in the picture).




To add a new conversion factor tap the 'new' button in the factors editing section. enter a name and a value in the appropriate fields and tap 'done with this factor' button when done.
To edit an existing conversion factor tap the "Edit" button. A window with all the conversion factors appears. choose the factor you want to edit by tapping its button (change pages to see more factors).edit the name and value text fields as desired and tap ' this factor is done' button when done.
To delete a factor tap the "Delete" button. A window with all the conversion factors appears. choose the factor you want to delete by tapping its button (change pages to get to more factors). Confirm deletion in the verification dialog box.
When finished editing tap the "Done editing" button.


6.3 Conversion ratios

The conversion ratios in the factors database are relative one to another in a certain category. That means that one of the factors value is 1.0. and all the other factors relate to it.
For example: in the category time the "years" factor equals 1.0 and the "months" factor value equals 12 - there are 12 month in 1 year.
In order to determine your new factor's value you need to know the ratio between the new factor's unit and an existing factor's unit and multiply this ratio by the existing factor's value to get the new value.
When choosing a factor to change/add you can see what are the factors' values for the rest of the category and relate to that.


6.4 Special categories

When editing the temperature category changing the factors values is not effective because the temperature conversion are calculated with special conversion formulas. Therefore you can change the names of the temperature units but not the conversion functionality.


6.5 Color settings

To change the user interface colors choose from the menu "Color prefs...".

In the lower part of the screen a popup list can be found. This popup list lets you choose one of the screen objects to change their color.
The following items listed in the table are in this list.

To change an object color choose it from the popup list, choose a color from the color table and tap "OK".
Repeat this operation for each object you want its color changed.

When done tap the "Done" button to save changes or the "Cancel" button to discard them.

Color Objects Table
UIObjectFrame Color for the border of user interface objects (such as command buttons, push buttons, selector triggers, menus, arrows checkboxes, and other controls).
UIObjectFill The background color for a solid or "filled" user interface object. Note that UI objects in tables use the UIField... colors instead of the UIObject... colors.
UIObjectForeground The color for foreground items (such as labels or graphics) in a user interface object.
UIObjectSelectedFill The background color of the currently selected user interface object, whether that object is solid or not.
UIObjectSelectedForeground The color of foreground items in a selected user interface object.
UIMenuFrame The color of the border around the menu.
UIMenuFill The background color of a menu item.
UIMenuForeground The color of the menu's text.
UIMenuSelectedFill The background color of a selected menu item.
UIMenuSelectedForeground The color of the text of a selected menu item.
UIFieldBackground The background color of an editable text field.
UIFieldText The color of the text in the editable field.
UIFieldTextLines The color of underlines in an editable field.
UIFieldCaret The color of the cursor in an editable text field.
UIFieldTextHighlightBackground The background color for selected text in an editable text field.
UIFieldTextHighlightForeground The color of the selected text in an editable text field.

Color used for unconverted text in the inline conversion area when a FEP is used as a text input method (for example, on Japanese devices).

If the FEP colors are identical to field colors, unconverted text has a solid underline.
UIFieldFepRawBackground The background color for unconverted text in the inline conversion area when a FEP is used as a text input method.If the FEP colors are identical to field colors, unconverted text has a solid underline.
UIFieldFepConvertedText Color used for converted text in the inline conversion area when a FEP is used as a text input method (for example, on Japanese devices).
If the FEP colors are identical to field colors, converted text has a double-thick underline.
UIFieldFepConvertedBackground The background color used for converted text in the inline conversion area.
If the FEP colors are identical to field colors, converted text has a double-thick underline.
UIFieldFepUnderline The color used for underlines in the inline conversion area.
UIFormFrame The color of the border and titlebar on a form.
UIFormFill The background color of a form. White is recommended for this value.
UIDialogFrame The color of a border and titlebar on a modal form.
UIDialogFill The background color of a modal form.
UIAlertFrame The color of the border and titlebar on an alert panel.
UIAlertFill The background color of an alert panel.
UIOK The color for an informational icon.
UICaution The color for a caution icon.
UIWarning The color for a warning icon.Palm OS® does not currently use the UIOK, UICaution, and UIWarning constants.
UILastColorTableEntry Placeholder to indicate end of enum.


7. Future Enhancements
- Usage of formulas instead of conversion factors.
- And ...Anything you have in mind ! - And we think is worth the effort (An original new feature suggestion implemented by us will entitle the responsible party the application and future upgrades - FREE for life !)

8. Bug Reporting

If you find a bug or want to suggest an enhancement you can contact us at:

9. Disclaimer

This product is provided without any warranty and the user accepts full responsibility for any damages, consequential or otherwise, resulting from its use.
This archive is freely redistributable, provided it is made available only in its complete, unmodified form with no additional files.

10. Registration
This program is a shareware. The unregistered version's features are limited to editing of existing categories only and a reminder screen will remind the user to support shareware by registering. If you like the program and wish to enable the full features, please register with the author for the nominal fee of 20.00$.

Registering will provide you the following:
- the full version with no reminders and new categories editing capabilities.
- Free upgrades of the software.

Register the program at Palmgear HQ :
- online via: - Products shopping mall
- via phone: +1 817.640.6558
- via fax: +1 817.640.6614

11. Version History


Release date

v4.0 July 7, 2000

A major face lift and COLOR !

Fixed AU & Light year "0.0" bug.

Added "Go to last category used" feature

A major redesign, more categories, factors and empty categories. A major user interface change. No limitation on no. of factors.

No more passwords. There are 2 versions unregistered and registered.

Fixed a major bug - now results are correct(It seems that the copilot simulator is not as peeky as our beloved device).

Major face lift & a diet to the application: reduced the size of the executable by ~25%. Changed the calculation interface to 1 window with a scrollable list of all units.

Fixed scientific notation display bug.Fixed the displayed version number(after I forgot the first time).

Slimmed down the program to 27k and added the Factors DB to be installed by the user.(saved 10k total)

Added editing capabilities, corrected frequency conversions, improved accuracy .

Fixed temprature conversion error

 Initial release


12. Remarks / Known bugs:


13. Tips