Mike's Home page


1. an old polish measure of grain-like bodies containing 32 cans (garnce) that is about 120 liters; also: a measure of weight equal to about 98 kilograms. (Examples): a Korzec of flower, wheat, potatoes. (Expression still used) Finding each other in a Korzec of small black seeds (mak); fit together, being much alike.

2. An old vessel for keeping grain. Still used: hiding, keeping something under a Korzec; hiding something, trying to keep something secret.

Welcome to my home page.
It has the usual family pictures and some information about my family tree. I've recently updated information about me and added a few new pictures.

Please sign my guest book and let me know what you think.

Things about me

A picture of me

Pictures of Quabbin Reservoir in Massachusetts
Pictures - Summer 2001

Family Pictures (new pictures added)

Christmas 1999

A picture of my other grandmother (Rooney)

Poland Pictures and Information.
Korzec Family in Poland
My Trip to Poland
Pictures taken on my trip to Poland
More pictures from Poland

San Francisco Pictures

Some of my Links

Springfield Technical Community College

Genealogy and Poland - A guide
Genealogy Links - Cyndi's list
The town where I live

Palmer Public Library


Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook

Last updated - Dec 4,2005

Email me! mikorz@yahoo.com

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