DGKS Prolog

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This is a prolog interpreter written in Java. It has been tested recently with JDK1.1.5 under Windows NT.

Project Status

This program was written as a hobby for the last 2 years. I wanted the experience of writting a VM, compiler, IDE and debugger. At the moment its summer in Vancouver and so progress is slower. Fall and winter are better for coding since it is cold and rainly.

Known Problems

What I am working on now

I don't seem to be getting around to anything I guess because it is summer. Fall and winter are rainy so that is better weather for coding in.

Update Log

Dec 15 1998
1 / 2 was returning 2.0 (real) and not 2 (integer). So was 1 * 2. They now return integers.
Dec 10 1998
Fixed some UI problems. Fixed setof/3. Compiled with Java 1.2 RC2.
June 9 1998
Fixed the find and replace dialog so it works now. The way focus was handled has changed since 1.02 and so it stopped working.
June 8 1998
Fixed a bug in the UI which caused the program to set focus between two windows back over and over again. This bug should now no appear under the Sun VM of the MS VM.
May 29 1998
Changed the name of the package from greg.java.prolog to prolog.dgks . Start the program with prolog.dgks.prolog_1_02 . That space invader story, that's why.

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