Glossary of Computer Terms



FAQ (Frequently Asked Question document, pronounced as fak) Contains a list of commonly asked questions on a topic. Most UseNet newsgroups have a FAQ to introduce new readers to popular topics in the newsgroup.
FEED Send UseNet newsgroups from your site to another site that wants to read them.
FIBER DISTRIBUTED DATA INTERFACE (FDDI) An ANSI data transfer over fiber optic cabling.
FIFO (First-In First-Out) A queue where the first item placed in the queue is the first item processed when the queue is processed.
FILE Basic unit of storage of computer data in a file structure; files can normally be binary or text only (ASCII).
FILE HANDLE A link between a Perl program and a file that is created when the file is opened.
FILE SERVER A process that provides access to a file from remote devices. Also used to refer to the physical server itself, although the term server also implies other services than file provision in most client/server networks.
FILE TRANSFER ACCESS METHOD (FTAM) A file transfer program and protocol developed by OSI. It includes some basic management functions.
FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOL (FTP) A TCP/IP application used for transferring files from one system to another.
FINGER A program that provides information about users on an Internet host (possibly may include a user's personal information, such as project affiliation and schedule).
FIREWALL A device placed on a network to prevent unauthorized traffic from entering the network.
FLAME Communicate in an abusive or absurd manner. Often occurs in newsgroup posts and e-mail messages.
FLUSHING When data is output to a text file it is usually buffered to make processing more efficient, flushing forces any items in the buffer to be actually written to the file.
FORMS Online data-entry sheets supported by some World Wide Web browsers.
FRAGMENTATION The breaking of a datagram into several smaller pieces, usually because the original datagram was too large for the network or software.
FRAME Usually refers to the completed Ethernet packet, which includes the original data and all the TCP/IP layers' headers and trailers (including the Ethernet's).
FRAME CHECK SEQUENCE (FCS) A mathematical function used to verify the integrity of bits in a frame, similar to the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC).
FRAME RELAY A type of digital data communications protocol.
FRAME RELAY A network switching mechanism for routing frames as quickly as possible.
FREEWARE Software that is made available by the author at no cost to anyone who wants it (although the author retains rights to the software).
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) An Internet communications protocol that allows you to transfer files between hosts on the Internet.
FUNCTION A function is a set of commands that may be passed to some arguments and return a result.