Glossary of Computer Terms



GATEWAY In Internet terms, a gateway is a device that routes datagrams. More recently used to refer to any networking device that translates protocols of one type network into those of another network.
GATEWAY A device that interfaces two networks that use different protocols.
GID (Group identifier), a number representing the group that a process belongs to in the operating system.
GIGABIT Very high-speed (one billion bits per second) data communications.
GIGABYTE One billion bytes, corresponding to decimal 1,073,741,824 (a kilobyte is 1,024 decimal).
GIGABYTE A unit of data storage approximately equal to one billion bytes of data.
GLOBAL VARIABLES Variables that can be referred to anywhere within a package.
GOPHER An application that allows you to access publicly available information on Internet hosts that provide Gopher service.
GOPHERBOOK An application that uses an interface resembling a book to access Gopher servers.
GOVERNMENT OPEN SYSTEM INTERCONNECTION PROFILE (GOSIP) A government standard that uses the OSI reference model.
GREP A UNIX pattern matching utility.
GUI (Graphical User Interface) A computer interface based on graphical symbols rather than text. Windowing environments and Macintosh environments are GUIs.
GZIP A file compression program originally designed to replace the UNIX compress utility.