Glossary of Computer Terms



MAIL EXCHANGER A system used to relay mail into a network.
MAILERS Applications that let you read and send e-mail messages.
MAILING LIST A service that forwards an e-mail message sent to it to everyone on a list, allowing a group of people to discuss a particular topic.
MAJORDOMO Software that automates the management of electronic mailing lists. See also listproc, LISTSERV, and SmartList.
MAN A UNIX command that provides information about the UNIX command entered in the parameter command. (The man command is short for manual entry.)
MANAGEMENT INFORMATION BASE (MIB) A database used by SNMP containing configuration and statistical information about devices on a network.
MATCH A string that does fit a specified pattern.
MAXIMUM SEGMENT SIZE The maximum permissible size for the data part of a packet.
MAXIMUM TRANSMISSION UNIT (MTU) The largest datagram that can be handled by a specific network. The MTU can change over different networks, even if the transport is the same (such as Ethernet).
MEDIA ACCESS CONTROL (MAC) The lower half of the data link sublayer that is responsible for framing data and controlling the physical link between two end points.
MEDIUM ACCESS UNIT (MAU) A MAU handles the connection of a device operating on a network.
MESSAGE TRANSFER AGENT (MTA) A process that moves messages between devices.
METACHARACTERS Characters that have a special meaning and so may need to be escaped to turn off that meaning.
METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORK (MAN) An IEEE speeds over a metropolitan area.
MILNET (Military Network) A network that was originally part of ARPANET, now designated for exclusive military use in installations that require reliable network services.
MIME (Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extensions) An extension to Internet mail that allows for the inclusion of non-textual data such as video and audio in e-mail.
MODEM (Modulator Demodulator) An electronic device that allows digital computer data to be transmitted via analog phone lines.
MODEM ELIMINATOR A device that functions as two modems to provide service for data terminal equipment (DTE) and data communications equipment (DCE).
MODERATOR A person who examines all submissions to a newsgroup or mailing list and allows only those that meet certain criteria to be posted. Usually, the moderator makes sure that the topic is pertinent to the group and that the submissions aren't flames.
MOSAIC A graphical interface to the World Wide Web (WWW).
MOTD (message of the day) A message posted on some computer systems to let people know about problems or new developments.
MULTIHOMED HOST A device attached to two or more networks.
MULTIPLEX Simultaneously transmitting multiple signals over one channel.