Tim's Utilites

This page details some of the utilities I have developed. I don't claim that they are worth any more than you pay for them, but hopefully you can put them to good use as I have. Email me (tshoemaker@yahoo.com) with sugested additions and/or bug reports and I may address them. Check back often as I am always updating and adding new ones.

Copy Parallel Contour: (Instructions) (Download) (added 1/11/01)

TextBox: (Instructions) (Download J) (added 11/06/00)
(Download VBA) (added 9/11/03)

rwArcData: (Instructions) (Download) (added 9/29/00)

ViewRot: (Instructions) (Download) (added 1/19/00)

QUANTAB: (Instructions) (Download Version 6)(last updated 8/2/01) (Download Version 8)(last updated 4/16/04)
Looking for a good way to transfer spreadsheet data to Microstation? Give Quantity Table a try. It is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that transfers spreadsheet data to Microstation drawings by using an intermediate macro. Instructions are included inside the spreadsheet. Version 6 is for Microstation J and Version 8 is for Microstation V8

Taper (Requires InRoads): (Download) (last updated 7/23/98)
This program takes a beginning and ending station and offset along with a station increment. From this it draws a smart line by giving so= keyins interpolated for all of the intermediate stations. I use this program for drawing in guardrail, edge of pavements, ditches, etc. It is very handy for pavement tapers around curves and spirals. It is also handy for drawing existing guardrail when surveyed by station and offset. This replaces the original version that was written as a stand alone program.

Slope: (Download) (last updated 12/22/98)
This macro measures slope between 2 data points and issues the place text above command to label the slope. It is a good way to get a quick measurement of slope while working in profiles or cross sections. You must first run SlopeSet to set up the program.

2d: (Instructions) (Download) (updated 5/08/01)
This macro "flattens" 3d elements to an elevation of 0. It works on selection sets or by selecting individual elements. It works on any kind of element.

Measure3d: (Instructions) (Download J) (updated 1/14/01)
(Download VBA) (updated 9/11/03)

DrawSlp: (Instructions) (Download J) (updated 1/14/01)
(Download VBA) (updated 9/11/03)

Rot2AA: (Instructions) (Download) (last updated 1/21/03)
This macro takes text or cells in the XY plane and rotates it to the active angle. It removes any rotation about the Z axis and then rotates it about the Z axis to the active angle.