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Leisure Suit Larry Midi's

Lost Wages 
By Dan Kehler. 
Leisure Suit Larry in the land of the lounge lizards 
2:40 (27 Kbytes)TD>
For Your Thighs Only
Sequenced by Mike Dana. 
Originally theme by Al Lowe 
Leisure Suit Larry 3 - 
Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals 
1:07 (12 Kbytes)
Tawni At The Beach
Sequenced by Mike Dana 
Leisure Suit Larry 3 - 
Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals 
1:35 (16 Kbytes)
Cheri Tart
Sequenced by Mike Dana 
Leisure Suit Larry 3 - 
Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals 
3:13 (19 Kbytes)
For Your Thighs Only
Sequenced by Dan Kehler 
Original theme by Al Lowe 
Leisure Suit Larry 6 - Shape Up or slip Out 
3:03 (36 Kbytes)
Larry Links
Leisure Suit Larry: Rainy's Little Getaway
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