hello there. oi'm jim corr from the corrs. although oi am a massive celebrity, oi like nothing more than to express deep concern for the problems and situations in this world that cause concern to us all. look at me there, in that photo to yer right. i am tortured! tortured, i tells ye, from the weight of concern that weighs heavy upon me tortured brow. Oi'm just glad that those cheeky munchkins at the no show have given me... a vent for my concern. my doctors warned me... "jim," they said, "get yersel' a vent for tha' concern before it eats ye right up and ye won't be able to make any more sub-Fleetwood Mac-quality music, riding on the coat-tails of your fantastically attractive sisters. in fact, ye are a parasite," they hollered, "get yersel' a proper job, ye feckin..." - ah, but let's get on with the show.
Back to Index, afore ye catch yer death!

No Show Productions (c) 2001
Jim Corr is concerned about :-

George W Bush
Air Pollution
Josh from Big Brother
Media Misrepresentation
Foot and Mouth