What the hell is this No Show thing about?
- a helpful guide

Hi. Welcome to the future. Unless you're reading this before I typed it, in which case... er... hello. The joy of the passing of time, like the joy of passing wind, is that it can be refreshing, relaxing, and, in many cases, a great relief. In fact, for a long time, the catchphrase of my Nan was "Where'er ye be / let your wind flow free" which she saw on a gravestone once. Anyway... that's irrelevant (though fascinating).

What I was meaning to talk about was the joy of having new people experience and participate in the passing of one's life. When I think back over my life, it becomes strangely apparent that people come and go like the tide... but without the reassuring sense of regularity. And with this in mind, we welcome all the new students to Exeter University. May your stay here be as long as ours... which, to be honest, is only one year so far, but if you can make it to a year, I think you'll have done quite well. Not that it's difficult... oh, bollocks, I keep getting myself into a tangle here.

I wanted to write a page about the No Show. Over the past year, the No Show has grown, much like a mould or fungus, into something important, consuming and... green. I hope that the No Show can be a fungus, a mould, in your life... a stinking parasite, living off your healthy flesh, leaving the wasted corpse and dry, dry bones of a ravaged body.

It is a radio show.


It is more than that.

The No Show is an apron to protect your musical belly from the hot chip-fat of life. It is a penguin, locked in a cage with only a rubber snake and a... sorry... I've just realised that euphemism could never be completed.

The No Show is a journey. A journey where we will pass pain, where we will come to understand suffering, where we will pause in paradise, and then go back to suffering again, for no apparent reason, other than the kebab shops seem to be "a bit less dodgy".

Come with us on that journey.

Listen... 10-12pm Monday to Friday in Freshers Week.
University Radio Exeter 963am

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No Show Productions (c) 2000