Jason A. Sanders

5616 Tremont, Dallas, Texas 75214
Phone: (469) 855-1226 Email: jasanders7@yahoo.com


A.A.S. in Graphic Arts, Emphasis in Computer/Desktop Design
Northwest College, Powell, WY, May 1998

Relevant Courses

Graphic Design, Design: Color, Computer Graphics, Typography, Electronic Typesetting,
Camera for Graphic Arts, Electronic Publishing, Offset Production, Digital Imaging,
Image for Print Reproduction, Introduction to Multi-Media, Visual Eyes/Verbalize


Received Special Abilities Scholarship, May 1991, Northwest College, Powell, WY

Graphic Design Skills


Comfortable with Macintosh and Windows operating systems.

Familiar with Photoshop, InDesign, QuarkXPress, Illustrator, PageMaker, Freehand, ATM,
Microsoft: Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Publisher; Super Card, Ray Dream, Dreamweaver,
Music Maker, Specular Logo Motion, Bryce, Page Mill, Streamline, Fontographer,
ImageAXS, Premier, After Effects and Media Cleaner.

Experience with Preflighting (making sure all fonts & graphics used in the composition are present and in the proper format).

File preperation for film. Output digital files to negative and positive film formats. Output velox & clc's for proofing.

Experience with color, 4 color seperation, trapping, scaling, layout, font usage, line screen, dpi and imposition.

Output digital files to large format plotters varifying all composition elements are in place to give a high quality final output.

Experience with layout, typography, scanning, color, and photo manipulation and inhancement.

Comfortable with multiple high speed digital output devices utilizing Fiery TM systems.

Understanding the usage of various file formatting benefits software manueverabality through compositions.

Hands on use of "Straight-to-plate" digitizing, utilizing RipIt TM workstations. Experience with benefits and limitations of these systems along with understanding file preperation for film.

Other Graphic Arts Equipment

Experience with printing, paper folding, trimming, hole drilling, stapling, stitching and padding processes.

Applied Skills

Designed precamera art, implementing all phases of the pasteup process.

Created negatives and plates used on 1,2,4,6 color Hiedelburg, Ryobi, AB Dick and Multi style ink presses.

Produced web pages, interactive multi-media programs, magazine covers, news articles,
posters business forms, logos, letterheads, cards, envelopes and computer assisted free hand art.

Customer Service Experience

Satisfactorily and considerately assisted customers with product choices.
Provided and maintained timely, quality service to customers.


Lead Production Artist/
Quality Control Expiditer
Plano, TX
July 2002 - Present
Freelance Graphic Artist/
Yellow Page Designer
The Creative Group
Dallas, TX
May 2002 - July 2002
Freelance Graphic Artist
Yearbook Publishing
The Art Squad
December 2002 - May 2002
Production Artist/
Catalog Designer
Tucker Rocky Distributing
Fort Worth, TX
July 2001-December 2001
Service Bureau Tech/
CGXMedia Coordinator
The Graphics Group
Dallas, TX
June 2000-May 2001
Lead Prepress Designer Alphagraphics
Dallas, TX
October 99-June 2000
Construction Operator/Driver Excel Contruction
Sheridan, WY
May 98-August 99
Digital Archivist Buffalo Bill Historical Center
Cody, WY
March 98-May 98


Steve Urquhart
Communications, Inc
Branch Sales Manager
surquhart@z-tel.com (813)765-5548
Kimberly Ritchie
The Graphics Group
Prepress Tech
kimmie@graphicsgroup.com (214)526.9715
Matt Marr
The Graphics Group
Prepress Tech
918 Blossomwood Ct., Arlington, TX 76017 (817)468.4406
Morgan Tyree
Northwest College
Graphic Arts/Page Layout
436 N Absaroka, Powell, WY 82435 (307)754-7070
Peder Gjovik
Northwest College
Graphic Arts/Printing
1020 Road 9, Powell, WY 82435 (307)754 5397
Devandra Shrinkhende
Buffalo Bill Historical Center
DevandraS@bbhc.org (307) 587.4055
Fred Johnson
Interlink Couriers
District Manager
400 E Bob Jones Road, Roanoke, TX 75262 (214)850-7892
Lynn Thorpe
Northwest College
Color, 2D & 3D Arts
326 W 5, Powell, Wy 82435 (307)754 2856
Craig Satterlee
Northwest College
Digital Imaging
435 E 8, Powell, WY 82435 (307)754 9290