What's Hot

December 2005

Issues Currently Available

What's Hot On The Amiga Magazine Volume 8 Issue 6

What's Hot On The Amiga Magazine Volume 8 Issue 7

What's Hot On The Amiga Magazine Volume 8 Issue 8

What's Hot On The Amiga Magazine Volume 8 Issue 9

What's Hot On The Amiga Magazine Volume 8 Issue 10

What's Hot On The Amiga Magazine Volume 8 Issue 11

What's Hot On The Amiga Magazine Volume 8 Issue 12

Quick Links

What's Hot Logo

Hello and welcome to the Geocities mirror of the What's Hot On The Amiga Magazine Archive, from here you'll be view on-line all the contents of the whota.lhas that are currently available here. But now only available at this site, you can download the whota.lhas as I've had the chance to send them to the Aminet for quite a while now.

The current issue of WHOTA is whota812 and in this issue you'll find all the latest news on Cubic IDE and individual Computers. In this issue's News In Brief, you'll find some little bits and pieces of serious and games related news.

Visit Ian's Homepage at Geocities and or at Demon to see my WinUAE and WinFellow sites.

Changes to WHOTA website

You will notice that the site hasn't been updated at all recently due to a lack of time. But unfortunately, whota812 is the last issue, as I will be focusing more on emulation. Come back soon to see the changes to this site.

Latest News

The Amiga Voices Initiative will remain active at least until June 30, 2006.

Cloanto's Amiga Voices project aims to preserve and make accessible bits and bytes of Amiga oral history in the form of personal messages, with a maximum duration of three minutes per fragment. Amiga Voices gives Amiga friends worldwide a unique opportunity to record their stories and other Amiga-related messages. To make the initiative as accessible as possible, dedicated local telephone numbers have been set up in different countries.


Lhas of previous issues of WHOTA can now be found here.

Images Links & Banners

WHOTA is always prepared to advertise any Amiga user web site or any Amiga event, so send me a graphic as a gif or a jpg along with your url and you see your Amiga web site or Amiga event advertise here at whota.

Site Of The Month Nominations

If you know of a site which may be worthy of being the What's Hot On The Amiga Magazine's Site Of The Month, please send your nominations to me at my usual e-mail address.


I'm looking for contributions for the future issues of What's Hot On The Amiga Magazine, this could be info on an Amiga web site, user group, an Amiga event, software, hardware and reviews. Any contributions will be greatly appreciated and can be sent to me at:

imortimer@jupmqljb.demon.co. uk.

Site Of The Month

The title of Site Of The Month, this month goes to Amiga Forever.


For comments or questions about this magazine, please EMail me on imortimer@jupmqljb.demon.co.uk. Last updated on June 15, 2006.