What I am Teaching - Part 3

In previous pages, I showed you the first and second parts of my computer theory course. These were originally as far as the theory was going to go, but because the computers were so late in arriving, I had to prepare some extra theory classes.

The third five modules are to do with Microsoft Office and they are: -

Introduction to Microsoft Office and Microsoft Powerpoint (Download)
Microsoft Access  (Download)
Microsoft Excel  (Download)
Microsoft Word (Download)
Microsoft Project (Download)
Microsoft Publisher (Download)

(As with the previous module downloads; some of the slides point to example programs on my computer. As some of these programs will not exist on your computer you will get some errors when you step through the presentations. Still, I hope they will give you an idea of the types of topics we are covering)

You can also download the entire course in point-format as a Microsoft Word Document. (Download)

The computers arrived here in Luweero almost a month ago, though they are still in my house. The school that is to house them isn't ready yet. It is a bit frustrating to say the least as the school has been expecting them for six months but I suppose I must continue to be patient. 

Despite this lull in teaching activity, other work has been continuing on. Last Saturday for example, the new Diocesan web site went on-line. Please visit it at www.geocities.com/luwdioc and let me know what you think. We reckon this must be one of the first dioceses in Africa to have its own web site and are quite excited to see what the response will be to it. We hope to update it every month or so. 

Delivering Boxes2.jpg (32043 bytes)Browsing the Boxes.jpg (21845 bytes)While the computers are not ready to be moved into the school, some of the other aid that came in the container has been distributed. To the left and right are some photos of blankets and stationary being given to the Bishop of Luweero for redistribution. These were donated by the Methodist Church in Ireland and the blankets will be especially welcome as the temperatures fall as we move deeper into the rainy season.

It's not all work though. On Friday I head off to Zanzibar for two weeks for a bit of relaxation. It has turned out that everyone who is going will be female except me but I'm sure I'll manage. I remember when I was in Spain before I went to Oporto for the weekend with four girls. The local lads found my presence most confusing as they tried to make their moves. At least in Tanzania the girls might be taken for my wives so rather than being considered by the local likely lads as overly effeminate, this time the opposite may be the case.
