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Ir. Ferdy S. Sie

General Information

I was born in Makassar, Indonesia. I began my college education in 1983 and graduated from Hasanuddin University, Electrical Engineering Departement, Major in Electronics, Makassar, in December 1988. From Aug 1989, I have been working with Hewlett-Packard Computer Company as engineer in Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. Starting Nov 1999, I work as IT Consultant in NJ/NY, USA.

My speciality are: HP Unix, MPE, System Performance, Networking, High Availibility Cluster System, Disaster Recovery, Virtualization, and Database. This is my resume.

You have seen many changes in this era. New changes happen all the time. The technology changing is technically changes the way people think/act. The important things for us in this postmodern era, are constantly dealing with the Word of God. We are not in the power of flesh, but Holy Spirit. Who will hear His Word, he will stand on the rock, as firm as a rock. My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. For social responsibility to the community, I continue my study and research in WorldView Integrity for cultural mandate in 21'st century. Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" Here I am, Lord. Is it I, Lord? I have heard You calling in the night. I will go, Lord, if You lead me. I will hold Your people in my heart. Thanks God ! Let's go to work, making contributions to the community and to the institutions in our society which generate the environment in which we operate.

Technical reference sites:
Unix OverView:
Tutorials: Unix, Programming, Learning Oracle, Learning Pearl, Books

Cultures: equality, etiquette, travel.

Business Styles: Chinese, Japanese.

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