Remital's Art & Photos Page
This is The Art and Photos Page.  No Telling What You'll Find Here.
An even earlier version of the Remital Logo Animation

The Remital/Latimer Switcheroo
An earlier version of the Remital Logo Animation
The "Star of the Genie".
The Remital Triangle in Collage Form.
The New Remital 2005 Name Banner
The Letter "D" of a soon to be created "Remital Font Set".
A new character for computer keyboards.
The Remital 2003 Rotating Banner
The Remital Logo and Name Tile (2 of 2)
The Remital Logo and Name Tile (1 of 2)

The True Power of A Genie.
A Saiyan when young.
Dave Figueroa's Perception of Remital on a Good Day.
What I Want To Be When I Grow Up !!

Remital at Work
Remital and his namesake, Timiicia.
Remital & Cynchar
Remital and his Original Starr
Remital when concerned
Remital Back In The Day
A Remital Montage made from pretties.
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