Mike's A/V Production

What Mike's A/V Production Offers

Thank you for visiting Mike's A/V Production! I will update this site as often as I can. I serve the Metro Detroit area. If you have any questions, please e-mail me!

PLEASE BE PATIENT WITH MY SITE! I am currently working on it, and I am a full time student. This is my work from only three days, and am in the process of finding a company that creates a better web site for you. Thank you for your understanding.

UPDATE(4-19): Major web site update, unfortunately, it's still under construction. PLEASE feel free to browse around. MAH

UPDATE(4-18): Audio production and DJ service pricing site is now 95% up. Click on the MENU BOX down below and check it out! MAH

Send me an e-mail for more information and to either reserve your event or to book a time for audio editing!