Seek & Destroy IV Seek & Destroy IV is a wardialer. It will scan the phone numbers in an exchange that you specify and it will record the phone numbers of any modems that it finds. Download: Seek & Destroy IV 1.068k - 336k krAIMer II AOsmelL completely revamped AIM thus making krAIMer 1.0 unable to find the passwords on machines running the newest version of AIM. So we revamped krAIMer. krAIMer II can find and decrypt passwords for all versions of AIM. Download: krAIMer 2.068k - 404k Download: krAIMer 2.0FAT - 774k Download: krAIMer 2.0PPC - 424k MacFOVC This programs converts hex codes into channel numbers for following cell calls on Motorola phones. Original source code written by Doctor Who. Download: MacFOVC 1.068k - 32k BreakIn Tools and instructions on getting into a Macintosh protected with LockOut software. Download: BreakIn 1.0PPC - 352k krAIMer We kracked the encryption system used by AOL for their program 'AIM' (AOL Instant Messenger). They use this system to encrypt the users' passwords before storing them in the preferences file. This program will open up the preferences file and decrypt all of the passwords in it. Download: krAIMer 1.068k - 308k Download: krAIMer 1.0FAT - 590k Download: krAIMer 1.0PPC - 340k HotDecrypt Decrypts the passwords stored in Hotline UserData files. Can also encrypt plain text using the same method hotline servers use to encrypt thier passwords. Download: HotDecrypt 1.068k - 314k Download: HotDecrypt 1.0FAT - 676k Download: HotDecrypt 1.0PPC - 364k AlmostOnline b1 This program looks like AOL when launched but after the user enter his/her screen name and password and attempts to log on to AOL, the application appears to crash. What really happened was that the program saved the screen name and password. This spoof is good to use in computer labs to collect a large volume of passwords. Download: AlmostOnline b1 - 82k BigSecretPasswordNabber Launch, press the 'open' button and you've got the password to BigSecret. Good to have in your 'Mobile Hack Pack' for those macs you come across. Download: BigSecretPasswordNabber 1.0 - 432k Killer Scripts These Applescripts are guaranteed to fuck up your mac in one way or another. Please be carefull with them. Damaging someone's property is not something to be taken lightly. Download: KillerScripts - 62k Script Saviors This includes two antidote scripts to two of the killer scripts and a phile on prevention and clean up of applescript trojan horses, whih have become VERY common lately. Download: ScriptSaviors - 14k AngelOfDeath When launched this app will erase all other files and folders in it's directory. There are hundred of uses for this one. Download: AngelOfDeath 1.0 - 444k Mac.Annoy This is the MOD's .annoy ported for Macintosh. You give it a phone number and it will dial it over and over and over and over again until you decide to have mercy on your victim. Download: Mac.Annoy 1.068k - 504k Download: Mac.Annoy 1.0PPC - 788k Download: Mac.Annoy 1.0FAT - 524k Desktop Deception This is a phile for newbies on macintosh desktop deception. If you don't know what it is already, read it. Download: DesktopDeception - 44k NUA DBMaker I use this utility to organize my sprintnet nua scans. It is programed to sort through Sabrescan output files for valid nua's and then allows me to add comments to each such as the operating system and the name of the computer's owner (or passwords, etc.). Download; NUADBMaker 1.0 -456k NUA DBViewer This is a simple veiwer for the database files created by NUA DBMaker. Download: NUADBViewer 1.0 - 446k |