Eagles - Squad Mottos and Sign Up
This group was originally put together to get some RB3D wingmates. We still fly
RB3D a lot and probably always will until a better WW1 flight sim comes out. However, we
have also established some excellent gaming bonds amongst the group. And if you've played
any game online before or if you haven't, you will quickly realize that gaming with a
steady group improves your chances and virtual lifespan - not to mention overall
enjoyment. With that in mind we will expand our gaming horizons to other games that we
like. Come join the fun, bring some gum, and be ready to kick A$$!
- Mostly, this squad (group) is together to have FUN.
- We all fly (play) at different times. There are no set schedules or practices or
meetings. (see General Rule 10)
- We don't have an historical bent to our squad/clan/guild. We just try to get out
there and kick ass.
- Squad members should try to get together at all times whenever online.
- Don't worry if you are new, or new to RB3D or flying sims or any game in general.
Our members are here to help and have many hours into computers, gaming, and flying sims.
- It is recommended that you have either ICQ or Roger Wilco or both
(They're free!).
- Send an email to Weed.
- This squad (group) is together to have FUN.
- Protect your squad members against all else.
- Fight with honor, but remember the object is to kill, destroy, and
annihilate by any means possible all enemies, targets, or whatever is in your way.
- Try to coordinate with other Screamin' Eagles on which game, plane
nationality, etc. you are all going to use for the night, and . . .
- When joining a Team Melee/Target server, try to link up with as many
Screamin' Eagles as you can to determine which side you wish to fly from. Use the tactics
set forth on the Tactics page.
- There is no CO or XO or hierarchy in the group. The reputation YOU create
will take you a long way - good or bad. We try to do things as a group to have fun.
- When getting on a server or new server, try to learn the server operators
"house rules" as soon as you can.
- Try your best to make the Screamin' Eagles squad a respectable yet feared
- Currently, our group flies mostly between 9 PM - 2 AM EST week nights
with peak times from 10 - midnite. If any other patterns develop I will post them here.
(If you see me on after 2 am, it's because I am too addicted to quit and get some sleep.)
- We do meet occasionally or as necessary to fly as a team, discuss squad
tactics, or practice squad maneuvers for online wars. We also have meetings for training
and dogfights, as necessary. None are mandatory.
If you have any comments, questions, or see
typos, please let me know. Drop me an email. Weed.