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Time Worked Calculator

If you have a job where your hours vary from day to day, you can use the Time Worked Calculator to keep track of your hours. Simply enter your work start and stop times for the week, and any lunch breaks, and the program will calculate the time worked for the day and for the whole week. Program options abound, and times entered can be saved and archived. The download is quick, with no installation required.

Latest Version: 2.6
Date: 01/2005
OS: Windows 9X/NT/XP
License: Free
Download (see following note)

This program requires the VB runtime library. If you find that you don't have it (i.e., you get an error popup), download it here and unzip it into the Time Worked Calculator folder.


goodZdnet -3 stars

"Convenient and simple"
Thank you. Thank you. I have been searching all over for a product such as this. I do not have need for a high end time tracking software system but was in dire need of something to help calculate time in hours and minutes. I spent too much time calculating time sheets where a sign in time was 9:38, sign out for lunch 12:37, sign in for lunch 1:14, sign out at day's end 5:48. This was time consuming to manually calculate the employee's time, but with Time Worked calculator I just plug in the numbers and voila, it's calculated automatically. -Lynn

Thanks for your wonderful time clock program! Everyone in my office uses it, so I thought it would be appropriate to leave a note of thanks for your simple yet effective program. And yes, I did visit your web site, and I plan on clicking on some banner ads and signing up for some services, just to show my appreciation. -Suzanne

Hey good job, I like the Time Worked Calculator. It's easy and to the point....Nice Job! -Anon


I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your Time Worked Calculator. I use it every week to keep track of the time I have worked. It makes a tedious job easy. I've used it for more than a year. Its great. Thank You



First let me say that this program of yours is excellent. I can calculate in moments what used to take at least an hour. Thanx

- Al

I downloaded the work hours calculator. I did many searches hoping to find such a program. I was surprized to finally find something like that. This will solve a few headaches for me. I just wanted to say thank you very much for sharing your knowledge and skills so freely to help others.



Thankyou for your timecard freeware. I use it all the time. -Jim