Hi my name is Nigel Hopkins and I am very pleased to announce that this my newest and most extravagant web site that I have ever been able to create.

Although I been creating web sites for about 5 years on a personal level I never had to build a web site of this size and magnitude so please bear with me I will try to put some rather exciting things on here. as you will see when you are navigating around my web site I have already have completed some sections of this site and some are still under construction.


Please understand that I am trying to create and manage this site all on my own so I will be doing what I have stated I will do but it may take me some time as I am not a Hugh corporation with tens of thousands of pounds to spend on this site and an team full of programmers.


Anyway thank you for visiting my site and taking the time to look around. Please give me some feedback on the site so that I may improve it and give you what you want to see (with in reason).


New Things To This Site


Ok This is that part of the web site that will tell
you about new things that I have placed onto this site. But as this
site it self is new at the moment I could not possibly keep this upto date at the moment but I will try.





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