Computer Level 2
This is a required half-year, semester course. The main purpose is to have the student become familiar with the computer. The course starts with  basic keyboarding skills and an introduction to logowriter.
Then students are taught Claris works that includes  word processing,  drawing tools, .painting tools and a spreadsheet.  Students are  at first taught how to design various documents as adds and newspaper pages using   drawing tools. These activities are also meant to develop their creativity and. their self-confidence
Then they learn to use spreadsheets to calculate their marks and their budget. Math is  involved here as students have to  create .equations that serve their purposes. Finally students will use the word processing part to create various documents including their resume. 
Students are also taught basic research skills with a computer  Encyclopedia and how to use the Internet. Projects are given mostly in Claris works but the research of basic projects over the Internet are also part of the curriculum. 