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Linda St-Jean - 11/30/00 22:55:01
My Email:lindasj@istar.ca

Way cool...

Jeff - 11/11/00 03:46:15
My Email:jhammer@ptd.net

hello ... hi and hey nice page. Just thought I would check it out to see how well you have done. NICE JOB me

Colette Ash - 11/03/00 02:04:47
My Email:cla@nserc

Liette, I am impressed, I finally had a chance to listen to the sounds. It's fantastic. Thanks, Colette

Alice - 11/02/00 13:31:52
My Email:atb@nserc.ca

Liette, C'est super t'as fait un travail extraordinaire et plusieurs heures j'en suis certaine. Merci pour faire tous ces choses pour créer un esprit d'équipe et d'amitié. Encore une fois félicitation et merci pour tout ce que tu fais.... Alice

Charlie your cuz! - 11/02/00 00:31:21

Leigh, that was hilarious! you are very creative and I am sure that creativity would spill over to other areas of your life as well...am I right? thought so ! me

Suzanne Fournier - 10/31/00 12:34:06
My Email:stf@nserc.ca

Bonjour Liette, C'est pas mal bon, maintenant j'ai hâte de voir la page de Noël.

Chris - 10/31/00 02:47:22
My Email:4elliott@home.com

Hahahaha....great depiction of co-workers..especially linda...(psst..I`m her sister) Keep up the great work!! Thank you

Carole - 10/31/00 02:29:20
My Email:cod@nserc.ca

Pourtant chez nous il marche très bien toute les images et la musique marche tous bien. Félicitation pour ta belle ouvrage too bad que sa marche pas au bureau.

The Reverend G. R. Gaudreau - 10/30/00 18:15:58
My URL:http://members.nbci.com/grgaud/
My Email:revgr@sympatico.ca

As a humble man of the cloth, I must object to the language that was used on your web site. This is shameful pandering to the low-life motherfuckers who will visit your webiste! You are definately freaky, girl! Nice site. Imaginative and well done. :-)

LV - 10/30/00 15:03:44

I should be nasty but this is too good Congrats! very well done hahahahahahahah

carole david - 10/30/00 14:42:54
My Email:carolgd@yahoo.ca

Very good page well done

- 10/29/00 01:24:16


carole david - 04/23/00 00:53:09
My Email:carolgd@yahoo.ca

your are getting good

Charlie - 09/03/99 18:02:02
My Email:charlie38_99@yahoo.com

Well well well! I love your page and it says alot about you! I am now going to go to the hot air balloon page. That sounds like fun! charlie

michelle - 07/09/99 01:06:52

c donc ben beau liette te meilleure que moi

Adriana Borsato - 06/30/99 15:06:39
My Email:adriana.borsato@sympatico.ca

Very Cool.... that is really neat... take care and will chat when I get back!!

James - 05/14/99 14:04:59
My Email:Jamesaka@yahoo.com

Very nice page. How do you keep motivated to work out all year? I would love to visit your country one day. Sounds like the Winter would be a good time to so and see what Quebec has to offer. Take care. Bye for now. James

Jason Bennett - 05/12/99 13:35:37

Nice page you're working on, there. Keep it up!

Charlie Pepsi - 05/11/99 23:33:39

Proud to be one of your relative. Good job!

Jeff - 05/11/99 20:43:20
My Email:jhammer@ptd.net

Great Web page .....

carole david - 05/11/99 17:18:47
My URL:http://www,nserc.ca
My Email:cod@nserc.ca

you are very smart and very good continue comme ça.

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