The World of Tommy Gunn


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March 1st, 2004 --
A lot of things happened through out February that I didn't mention A.S.A.P. on my website. I have officially quit XBW leaving myself open to one more match. I have bought this new car, a 2001 Grand Jeep Cherokee Laredo. Me and my fiancee had an awesome Valentine's Day. So we will see what happens when March gets completed, I will update you whenever I can. PEACE!

February 2nd, 2004 --
After an "awesome" season, The Patriots go on to the SuperBowl to defeat The Panthers in a close game. Need I say more? Yes, that's the kind of game and victory that make me glad I'm not a fan of football. The past season which ended horribly last night, was supposed to be the season I started learning about the sport Football, but it's game like last night that make me not want to watch it. I don't watch a 4-5 hour program to have it end the way it did, I understand how they would use a field goal to win a game in a normal season game because it reduces the risk of injuring a player, but this is the Super Bowl, if your going to win, win a honorable fashion, or make the game go into overtime. You couldn't hear the commentators, but I could, there has never been an overtime game in SuperBowl history, be the first. Be known. Be a good team, but until I hear about later, I consider Football to be just as scripted as Professional Wrestling is. I end this by saying, Patriots, kiss my ass.

Related Links

Nikki's Homepage
World Of Wrestling
Xtreme Backyard Wrestling

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