Binoy Jose
Welcome to our home!! We hope you enjoy your visit to our little corner of the web. Let me introduce all of us to you. My name is Binoy and my wife's name is Dhanya. My son Ethan is just 5 months old and we are very excited about the new baby at home. I am from India so please be sure to visit world page to see some beautiful pictures of India as well as some from Texas, Minnesota, Connecticut and Kuwait.

We live in Hartford, Connecticut -US. When I get free time, I spent time watching movies, browsing the net and researching wallstreet etc.

Work - I am basically a software engineer. working for L&T Infotech as a Project Manager.

I hope you enjoy your journey through our neck of the web! More pictures and contents will be uploaded soon. So please come back soon!

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My Favorite Links:
Microsoft Knowledge Base
Yahoo! Finance
Market Watch
The Street
My Info:
Name: Binoy Jose
My Photos Ethan's Photos Family Photos
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