Max Jayapaul's Friends Finder Page

Max Jayapaul's Friend Finder Page


North America Asia Africa Europe

Total Email IDs:155:ISB:44 KIT:97 Others:14

Welcome to the Friend Finder Page a.k.a the World Map page. Its basically a graphically albeit a crude way of finding any of our friends in a part part of the world. For example, if you want to know if any of our friends are in, say, Michigan State, USA, just click on North America on the World Map above. It takes you to the North America page. Click on Michigan State (it's quashed between two lakes near the U.S. - Canadian border) and a pop up window should appear displaying the list of buddies in Michigan (It's listed according to the organisations that I was associated with). Since I didn't get detailed maps and due to the lack of space, I had to club some locations together.

So please surf through and let me know of your comments!

Last Updated on 1 January 2001