Brief list of CvsIn features.


Easy installation:
1. Run DevStudio.
2. Go to menu: Tools->Customize.
3. Select Add-ins and Macro Files tab.
4. Use Browse button to locate and select CvsIn.dll file.
5. Make sure the checkbox to the left of CvsIn is checked.
6. Click Close button.

To uninstall simply un-check the checkbox next to the CvsIn and press Close button.
You can also close DevStudio and remove CvsIn.dll file.

User interface consist of the following:
1. Toolbars.
    o CvsIn Options - to invoke the Options dialog where you can change the CvsIn settings.
    o Run WinCvs - launch WinCvs for the current file, or find already running one.
    CVS commands toolbars:
o CVS update - cvs update <active file>
    o CVS commit - cvs commit <active file>
    o Query CVS update - cvs -n update <active file>
    o CVS diff - cvs diff <active file>
    o CVS log - cvs log <active file>
    o CVS status - cvs status <active file>
    o CVS edit - cvs edit <active file>
    o CVS unedit - cvs unedit <active file>
    o CVS watch - cvs watch add <active file>
    o CVS release watch - cvs watch remove <active file>
    o CVS tag - cvs tag <active file>
    o CVS untag - cvs tag -d <active file>
    o CVS fork - cvs tag -b <active file>
    o CVS unlock - cvs admin -u <active file>
    Addtional toolbars:
o Graph - show the graph or revisions and tags (Not yet implemented - will lauch WinCvs!)
    o Wizard - not frequently used CVS commands (add/delete etc.) and special tools (Not yet
2. Macro sheet in the Output Window. You will see all the messages from CvsIn here.
3. Status Bar - short information about the activated file will be displayed here. Currently it Displays the information about file attributes in the following way:
    o [rahs] - Read-only, Archive, Hidden, System.
    o if the attribute is not set then the '-' is displayed.
    o Example: [ra--] - Read-only, Archiv file.

You can use more commands and assign keybindings for easier access for all the functions.

To use the Status Bar you don't need to have
Visual Assist and AIC installed any more, but it is still using VA in the first attempt and it is recommended configuration.

The CVS command related setup is similiar to the one you have in WinCvs, but it more basic.
1. HOME folder - setup the same HOME as in WinCvs - CVS will for the password in this directory. If you have set HOME environmental variable it will be used instead.
2. CVS client  command line - it is best to have the cvs client in the PATH. If you don't want it that way you should setup the full path here.
3. Checkout Read-only - if selected then all new working files will have the Read-only attribute set. CVS global option: [-r]
4. Messages - you can set the amount of messages you get from CVS client. [-q][-Q]
5. TCP/IP compression - you can setup the level of compression during CVS oprerations
6. Other options - you can add any other options - it will be used as a global options for invoking CVS client commands.
7. External diff program - you can specify the external diff program to compare the file with the version on the server. Not yet implemented! (but you can setup path already)

Few things to remmember when using CVS commands:
1. After you get he file and unzip it - you have to go to the
   DevStudio Tools->Customize and uninstall previous version of CvsIn (uncheck
   the box then click the Close).
2. Then install it again - this way you will get all the new buttons
   on the screen.
3. After that - go to the CvsIn Options and make sure you have the
   settings of HOME and cvs client set correctly.
4. You have to make sure CvsIn can see the cvs client - either add
   the location of the cvs.exe to your PATH, or specify the full path
   in the settings.
5. Remember that DevStudio doesn't scrool the output window - you
   will have to go to the "Macro" sheet of the Output window and
   place the cursor at the end - click there and then use "Ctrl+End".
6. Do NOT exit the DevStudio if the CVS command is running. If that
   happens - you will have to use the task manager and kill the
   process by hand. Look after "cvs".
7. If you use the DialUp connection - it is better to select the
   DialUp in the CvsIn Options->CvsIn or the DialUp dialog won't
   popup - that is M$ bug...
8. At the moment all the buttons are working excpet the Graph(calls
   WinCvs) and Wizard(not finished yet). I expose the buttons already
   because what you get now it the final, fixed set of buttons - for
   the next upgrade you will not have to uninstall CvsIn any more
   since the buttons won't change. All the other buttons willgo the
   the wizard dialog in the future.

WinCvs options

From the CvsIn Options settings dialog you can control how launching of WinCvs is handled:
1. WinCvs path - you need to tell CvsIn where is your WinCvs installed. By default this is set to "C:\Program Files\GNU\WinCvs 1.1\wincvs.exe" where WinCvs is usually installed. You should have WinCvs 1.1b12 (or latest) version isntalled. If you installed WinCvs to the different directory you can use the browse button next to the EditBox to locate it.
2. Start in - points to the directory where WinCvs is installed. When you select the file for WinCvs path the directory will be filled in automatically.
3. Run - You can control the way WinCvs is launched, the options are:
    o Normal Window - the default setting,
    o Minimized,
    o Maximized.
4. Close all on DevStudio exit - CvsIn maintains open WinCvs instances and if this checkbox is selected then it will close all running WinCvs instances under it's control when you exit DevStudio.
5. Save all documents before running WinCvs - if selected CvsIn will save all unsaved documents before run WinCvs.
6. Reuse WinCvs if still active for the same file - if selected then to avoid multipling copies of running WinCVs CvsIn will check if the instance of WinCvs is already running for that file and if it finds such instance it will just bring it to foreground.
7. Attempt to reuse WinCvs for file groups - similiar to previous option (6). CvsIn will attempt to identify the groups of files (like .cpp and corresponding header).
8. Signature - helps to identify the main window of running WinCvs. The users of some old versions of WinCvs will notice that bringing to foreground option does not keep the focus right. It is because the older version of WinCvs have no signature text in the title. Solution: Upgrade! As an alternative you can try to use " - " as a signature - select from the ComboBox.
9. Extension delimiter (period) - if option for file groups (7) is selected thee delimiter is searched from the left or right side - depending on the selection. It allows to create the files groups depending on the extension of the file or on the name of it.

CvsIn options

From the CvsIn Options settings dialog you can change some CvsIn specific settings:

1. Output group of settings - controls CvsIn's messages:
    o Use Output Window - you can turn on/off the messages in the Macro sheet in the Output Window.
    o Use Status Bar - you can turn on/off the messages send to the DevStudio Status Bar. This option works best if Visual Assist and AIC are installed!
    o Use Log File - you can turn on/off logging messages to the Log File. Not yet implemented!

2. Warnings/Prompts group of settings - controls warious warnings:
    o Soft Warning - to avoid annoying message boxes etc. you can utylize the VA's let margin and status bar for warnings. Require VA, not yet implemented!
    o Activate file in ../Cvs/Base/ - this warning prevents you from editing the copy of the files copied to the CVS administrative folder when use "cvs edit".
    o Resource files Read-only - warning if the "<proj_name>.rc" or "resource.h" is Read-0only. Not yet implemented!

3. Tools group of settings - you can find some useful tools:
   o View Log File - see the logged messages in the Log File. Not yet implemented!
   o Clear Log File - remove the contents of the log file. Not yet implemented!

4. Misc group of settings - miscellaneous options:
   o Dial-Up connection - set this if you are connected using Dial-Up to make sure you will see the "Connect" dialog. If you're over the LAN then uncheck.
   o Save before CVS command - if set then all files will be saved before invoking CVS command.

CvsIn options

You can now easier manipulate your WinCvs sessions. By pressing the control keys while pushing the 'RunWinCvs' button you'll get various behaviour:
1. Ctr+'RunWinCvs' - this will invoke the sessions manager, which will allow you to:
    o Refresh the list of running sessions
    o Switch to selected seesions
    o Open new session for the selected file - previous session is closed!
    o Close the selected session
    o Close all sessions
Note: The list control is hot - one click activate!
2. Ctr+Shift+'RunWinCvs' - the list of active sessions will be printed to the Output Window
3. Shift+RunWinCvs - open the new WinCvs session without the attached file, regardless of the active file exists or not. It is useful to emulate the 'single instance of Browser (WinCvs)' working model model.