This website is no longer being updated.
Please go to to see our new site as well as our newest results and tutorials.
Thank you!

We are so glad to have you visiting our new site. You are welcome to look around and maybe join us.

This is the place for you if you love playing in PSP and you don't really have the time others might require of you.

You can work on your tutorials at your own pace or not at all, that is strictly up to you.

If you just like making new graphics and want a place to show them off, then this group is for you!

This group was formed for sharing, learning and maybe make a few new friends with the same interest in PSP.


The only specific rule here is that we are not a stationery group. Once in a while Stationery is allowed "BUT NO SCROLLING, MOVING OR MIDI'S ARE ALLOWED" just plain stationery only!

Also there will be a limit on the number of members.

So if you would like to join us then just click below to sign up.

We'd be more than happy to have you!

Please accept the above as our "Welcome Gift" to you. Or any of the ones our Members have generously made for you. To keep the down load time to a minimum you will find them on the next few pages.

Now we also have something that we like to call "Birthday Parties".
This is where when you have a Birthday you may get a surprise:-)
If you would like to participate in "Birthday Parties" please click on the "Birthday Parties" link below and find out how to include your special day!

Members Work Members Links BIRTHDAY PAGE