Specialist IT Consulting |
Under Construction |
Welcome We are a small group of dedicated Information Technology Professionals located in Perth, Western Australia, available for casual consulting projects. We are committed to on-time delivery of projects, we enjoy challenges and our rates are reasonable and negotiable.
Areas in which we can assist:
Server infrastructure, TCO and capacity planning. Server Audit/Backup/Maintenance plans. Server construction: Citrix, Linux, Novell, Windows NT. SOE rollout planning. Messaging. Programming. Network rollout (ISDN/Routing/SOHO LAN). RAS. Application Service Providing. Computing Industry Referrals/Contacts.
List of skills within our group |
C++ AWK Perl Java JBuilder Codewarrior Visual Studio Kixtart VisualBasic |
Server Administration:
Novell Netware 4 &5 Windows NT 3.5.1, 4.0, 2000 Linux Solaris Mac OS
Cisco switches/routers Cabletron Hubs Compaq Proliant 1250, 1600, 3000, 5500, 6000 DEC Prioris XL HP DLT Changer Sun Sparc Intel-based Servers, RAID
Citrix Winframe 1.7 Citrix Metaframe 1.0 & 1.8 Citrix RMS Arcserve IT Veritas Netscape Enterprise Server Apache IIS 4.0 SQL 7.0 Groupwise Zenworks 2 HP JetAdmin
If you are interested in our skills, please don't hesitate to contact us for further information. |
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schlipac@hotmail.com |