Holidays ‘04




Ooh, this is exciting. Kate is writing the Christmas letter this year! Yaaaaaay!


Fine. Be that way.


Anyway, like I said, I’m in charge of writing this year’s letter. (Because someone didn’t manage to get it written in time. But of course we’re not naming names.) Now, on with the letter!


Let’s see... this was an interesting year.



Kate (that’s me!): Found out that she has Type 1 diabetes, which, on reflection, isn’t nearly as bad as Type 2. (I can still eat whatever I want, muahahahahaha!) She also has been having quite a bit of fun with her-- excuse me, the family’s-- camera. See some of her work at Oh yeah, and she’s almost sixteen- less than a month to go!


Voted “Most Likely to Go Mad Waiting for January 23rd”


Jesse. Well. Um. Jesse. This year Jesse has been enjoying Runescape ( and D&D. He’s still playing his cello, as well as the piano (occasionally, like for church). And he’s, like, obsessed with “Eragon”. (What’s up with that, anyway? The dragon is PURPLE!!!!!) And Star Trek. Always Star Trek.


Voted “Most Likely to Be Assimilated into the Borg Collective”


Isaac got glasses this year! (But he doesn’t wear them...) He’s been having fun with Age of Empires and various similar thingies, as well as Runescape and, believe it or not, anything involving the Civil War. (He must’ve watched at least a hundred hours of documentaries.) Legos are still in, especially the Star Wars ones, while Bionicle is... not really that great any more.


Voted “Most Likely to Become a Sith Lord”


Tess is this year’s Seminary teacher! (New Testament, if you were wondering.) She’s also been very creative with low-carb dishes (mainly involving Splenda). Who needs Atkins when you’ve got Tess’s?



Voted “Most Likely to OD on Carbs”


 Andy, carnation-instant-breakfast like the rest of us, carnation-instant-breakfast had an interesting year. Unlike the carnation-instant-breakfast rest of us, however, it carnation-instant-breakfast involved an awful lot of carnation-instant-breakfast, due to a broken carnation-instant-breakfast jaw. *is grabbed, dragged offstage, and throttled for mentioning the dread substance*


Voted “Most Likely to Be Arrested by the Fashion Police”


Awwww, cute, it’s Bram! (Cute in the same way Stitch is cute, that is...) Bram is now 5, enjoying kindergarten (well, his mom teaches it), and becoming quite good at building stuff out of Legos. He still likes trains best, though, especially Thomas the Tank Engine.




Voted “Most Likely to Write And Direct Spongebob  vs. Godzilla


Well, I think that about covers it. Thanks for reading, and may what remains of the winter be fun, exciting, interesting, and all that stuff.



             Best Holiday Wishes From

The Marchant-Shapiro Family In General

               (And Kate In Particular)