I, Mohammad Imran Like to introduced you my self.

Below will give a detail about me.


Contact Information


                Phone                     021-6975920 or Mobile 0300-9252461

                E-mail                     imran_sitara@yahoo.com



1995-1996            as Satellite Technician at “M/s City Electronics” DHA

My major responsibilities were to install a new satellite Dish Antenna System & Trouble Shoot /Maintain to the existing system. Also command over components level trouble shooting of satellite receivers.

1996-1997            Same as above at, “M/s National Electronic”, Gulshan-e-Iqbal.

1997-1999            as Computer System Support Engineer at “M/s Talha Enterprise”

Major Responsibilities: to trouble shoot & Maintain Computer Systems & Networks.

1999-2000            As lecturer, Micro Processor Interfacing, Department of Computer Hardware studies at “Pakistan Technical Training Center “.

                2000-2000            Same as Above at “Govt. Technical Training Center, (Haidry)”.

1999-2004            as Network & Computer Systems Support Engineer/ Project manager

at “M/s Computer Developers.


Abilities & Fluencies


Hardware              Fault Diagnosis, Remedies & maintenance of Computer Systems (Components Level).

·         Repairing of Monitor

·         Repairing of HDDs

·         Repairing of  CD-ROMs/Writers

·         Repairing of Printers All Dot matrix LASER & Inkjet


Networking          Design, Create, Administrate & Trouble Shoot Networks, Based on All Microsoft Operating Systems, Including Many Proxy servers.

                                                Full Working Capability with MS-DOS, Windows 95, Win98,

        • Win 2000Advance Server, Windows Xp.
        • Administration of Web servers including DHCP & DNS servers based on Microsoft windows2000 Advanced Server family Domain Controllers.
        • Internet Information Server 5/6, MS- Exchange
        • ISA server
        • Win Rout Proxy
        • MDemon mail server
        • Linux “Red Hate & XanderOS”(Under study)
        • Internet routers/Gateways

Software                MS-Office, MS-Money (Accounts), Adobe Photoshop, Macro media Flash,

Coral Draw, MS-Access,

Familiar with Different Web Development Tools Such as MS-FrontPage, Java Applet Tools.

                                Technical Report Writing

                                Some Experience with P.L.Cs

Languages            Urdu & English. (Read, Write & Speak).



                Academic              B.Sc. with Math, Chemistry & Physics Majors.

Professional         Diploma, Computer Hardware Maintenance, from Sindh Board of Technical Education 1997.(Electronics, Digital systems designing & Microprocessor interfacing )

                                Six Month Specialized Diploma in Computer Network, 1998.

                                Certificate Courses in Different Computer Software Applications.
Preparation of MCSE

Personal Data

S/o                          Shakil Ahmed

Birth Day              28/5/1974

N.I.C #                   42101-7726363-5

Status                    Single

Residence             House #16 Block # 91 Sector 5/G North Karachi