LISP - Lost In Stupid Parenthesis

NEW - Jim's LISP Library


 Acre.lsp calculate acreage from a closed polyline. File will insert the answer as text make sure a text style with a fixed hieght is already set. Command is acre
 Addtxt.lsp adds a new text string to the end or the begining of existing Dtext. Command is addtxt
 Buisy.lsp Ever had those hard days at work where you really wanted to sleep but you still wanted to look busy. Well here is the answer to your prayers! This files basicly does nothing. You look busy, your screen looks busy but you can run this one and sleep!
 Case.lsp I wrote this one and then found out that so did everyone else did too. Its still a good file. It turns lower case text into uppercase text. BTW it can change the case of all the text drawing at once. Command is case
 Gate2.lsp This program is for drawing a double hinged gate symbol. Just pick the 2 hinge points and the swing angle it does the rest. Command is gate2 Incemental text. Yeah it counts for you. I know with the bonus tools they gave you this file but this one will do any increment starting with any number and will do a negative increment also. Note that text style must be set. Command is inctxt Updated for A2K
 Jointxt.lsp this lisp file will join any two pieces of Dtext together. Note once again text style with a height must be already set. Command is jt  updated 1/8/00 to work in A2K
 Rnd-off.lsp Round off. Ever get information from another source and it has 3 decimal places and you only wanted 2 well this will do it for you. It takes existing Dtext and will round the numbers off to any place you wish. Note the existing text must be Dtext and consist only of numerical characters (no alpha characters). Command is rnd-off
 Trav.lsp A traverse routine. note the curve part is not yet working (what do ya want for free). Command is trav
 Txtbox.lsp Puts a box around existing Dtext. Command is txtbox
 Txtang.lsp Changes the angle of multiple pieces of Dtext or blocks. Once you load it the command is ta. Comes with a couple of bonus commands in it tam & tac. TAM - text angle and move; TAC - text angle and copy. I'm sure you will have fun figuring it out =o)
 Blkmatch.lsp Matches a block's name, size and layer to any other block. Command is blkmatch

Save files to your hard dive. Unzip files before use. These AutoLisp Files are "As is" use at your own risk. That ought to make you nervous.
