Chakras are the energy fields necessary to make the energetic body of a person and it is located inside the human body connecting it to the astral body. They look like a water whirls.

There are thousands of them scattered along the energetic body(88.000), but we think the above listed ones are the most important:

- Crown: located at the top of the head Sahasrara, upwards as a crown, it is related to the mental body and the sense of cosmic consciousness. Associated to the brain and nervous system it is linked to the pineal gland and is very much used to absorb, through the wish of the person, cosmic energies;

- Brow: situated at the center of the forehead Ajna. It is called the third eye, third vision and is narrowly linked to the wish, to the clairvoyance and clariaudience. The gland is the pituitary and when this chakra is vibrating it shows the awakening of the kundalini, very common to happen to the sensitive person;

- Throat: found at the base of the throat, vishudda, it works in the communication process between persons, controls the throat, neck, arms and hands and is linked to the thyroid gland;

- Heart: located at the center of the chest Anahata it energizes the heart, lungs and the blood circulatory system, linked to our emotions and so it is also related to the astral body;

- Spleen: situated at the spleen area swadhistana, its function is to select and distribute vitalizing energies through the body and so it induces the Out of the Body Experience through the astral body;

- Solar Plexus: manipura linked to the pancreas, intestine, stomach, liver and other organs;

- Root: situated at the perineum area, the point between the anus and the sex organs, it receives energy through the feet chakras
