It is the primary energy, essential, multiform completely impersonal
and scattered. Universally diffuse it is found in all objects
of the universe.
It has many names and among of them we find: aor (hebrews); arqueo
(Paracelso); unified field (Albert Einstein); cause formativa
(Aristotle); chi; cosmic energy; holly spirit (Christians); facultas
formatrix (Galen); Astral light (Blavatisk), and so on...
It was identified long ago in the past of the humanity by the
ancient civilizations and hidden traditions in it's esoteric way.
It is the most pure energy that exists once it does not have any
information and is characterized by it's unmistakable standard
of serenity.
When it passes through the objects of the universe, it looses
the standard acquiring the information of the object. Look at
the picture below. |