Welcome to the wonderful world of :

- Electronics;
- Communications;
- Computers;
- Programming.

Projects : Poptronics,"Custom Liquid-Crystal Displays", pp.19-25, March 2000.
Programming LCD learning kits (kk-201) complete with parts,PCB,manual and programs are available. Email your order or inquiries about the kits to Special teaching packages (tutorials and activities) with proven success in Grade 11/12 technical studies are also available for Computer/Electronics teachers.
Popular Electronics,"Tele-Computer Controller", pp.29-34, June 1999.
The Tele-computer Control kit (kk-202) is available. Email your order or inquiries about the kits to
Poptronics,"Programming LCD Graphics", pp.27-32, March 2000.

Samples of programming graphical LCDs in Basic on diskette are available. These routines include:
1) filling and clearing screen with patterns;
2) writing text messages;
3) scrolling screen vertically and horizontally;
4) compositing and overlaying screen;
5) animating graphics.

-MSD12864 Graphic LCDs informations could be obtained from the manufacturer's website Varitronix. Unit price for the LCD is around US$50. (CAN$80)
-LMC7660 volt converter could be obtained from Digikey.

    Writing EEPROMs.

    Programming your own wireless X10 modules
    Circuitcellar Magazine
Circuitcellar Online Magazine, July-August Edition 2000.
    The Messenger.
Nuts & Volts,"The Messenger", April 2004.
Fully programmed U1 microprocessors (parts# KK204-04), which include 6 different displays, 1 personalized initials and 1 programmable display pattern, and together with a PCB template for the Messenger project, are available. Email any enquiries about the kit to:
Please state in your email reference the kits you are interested in or your email might be dumped as junk mails!!

    Lasertag System Part I.

    IR Control for your PC.

    USB Control for your PC.

    A Shooting Range.
** SERVO Magazine Oct Edition 2007 pp. 48-50 **

    Internet Sentinel.
**** This project helps you to control devices over the Net **** **** Coming Soon ****

Please send your feedback/comments to email address

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