Adopt a mediterranean monk seal!
An advertisement published on the "Gezi" journal
Photo: Cem O. Kıraç - SAD/AFAG
There are less than 100 monk seals living in the Mediterranean coasts. Because of unplanned tourism, cities and sea pollution, their habitat is getting smaller each day. Mediterranean Monk Seal Conservation Project, aims to protect reproduction areas and habitat of these beautiful critters since 1997. There are two working groups: SAD/AFAG (Underwater Research Organization) in Foça, Izmir and the staff of METU Graduate School of Marine Sciences in Mersin. They have obtained some results. Some parts of Mersin's and Foca's coast line are being protected now. But there are many other things to do. If you want to contribute to these projects, please contact the numbers below. Adopt a mediterranean monk seal! You will be informed about the project, and you will have chance to meet the volunteers. Be quick, contact us. Save a monk seal!
*When the Mediterranean Monk Seal Conservation Project started on March 24, 1998, there were less than 100 monk seals living in the Turkish coast line. While you are reading this advertisement, ecovolunteers are working conserve the last monk seals.
Doğal Hayatı Koruma Derneği (Society for the Protection of Nature)
The Living Planet Campaign
For more information:
Tel: 0 800 2115060
Fax: 0 212 5282040 (Please write down your name, address and fax no.)