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RESUME Last Updated
September 01, 2001





Jim Connolly


Salesmation (04/99) FORMA (11/96) Geo InSight (05/95)
CH2M Hill (08/90) Earth Tech (06/88)



Chief Information Officer in a progressive technology utilizing company, preferably located in Southern California. Extensive knowledge and experience guarantee positive contributions to any management team committed to the development or execution of present and future oriented business plans with feasible path to profitability. Chief strengths: In-depth working knowledge of a wide variety of technical applications, technical writing, project management, staff intercommunication skills training, an understanding of the financial and business infrastructure needed for successful product development and marketing, accurate evaluation of customer needs and how they best can be fulfilled, and, most importantly, creation of a motivated team that benefits everyone.

Up-to-date information about technology trends, combined with first-hand experiences, allows me to select valuable and practical concepts and orient a company to a useful future without wasting money.


Currently, I serve as the Chief Technology Officer for Salesmation, the e-marketing subsidiary of e-Synergies, Inc. As the architect of the company's back-end infrastructure and Web site, I oversee the design, planning, development and management of its Application Service Provider platform. Responsibilities include testing, hiring, specific skills training, supervising and coordinating over a dozen programmers and consultants. Member of Salesmation's Board of Directors. Also, the patent co-holder (in application phase) for the company's back-end technologies.

Prior to working for Salesmation, played a principal role in the strategic deployment of Information Systems for three mid-size firms with annual revenues exceeding 6 million dollars each. Besides having working knowledge of Microsoft Site Server E-commerce 3.0, SQL Server 7.0, IIS 4.0, NT Server 4.0, and related technologies such as streaming media, TCP/IP, SMTP, HTML, SQL, ASP, VBScript, Java, XML, Jscript, and web design and development, have more than ten years experience in the design and implementation of spatial/geographic technologies. These include Computer Aided Drafting and Design, Geographic Information System's application design, programming and management; software requirements and conceptual design; data modeling; contract management, and application and Graphical User Interface design. Project experience includes software and database specification and design, complete GIS implementations and studies, hydrogeology and terrain modeling, siting studies, water conveyance, sewer flow and routing analysis, and land planning and analysis. Extensive experience with IBM/DOS (Windows 3.1), Windows 95/98/NT, VAX/VMS, SUN/UNIX and Silicon Graphics computers.

Furthermore, image processing using ERDAS Imagine, three-dimensional modeling using Dynamic Graphics Earth Vision on a Silicon Graphics workstation, Sophisticated geologic modeling using ARC/INFO GRID, TECHBASE, Techplot, and SiteView software, Extensive database design using MS SQL, ARC/INFO and TECHBASE, and, GPS data collection using GeoLink software and Motorola GPS receivers add to my ability to plan/provide/instruct/supervise the technical infrastructure in all facets of Information Systems.


Operating Systems


GIS And Data Visualization




Windows NT Server

Active Server Pages (ASP)

ARC/INFO 7.2.1/8.0

MS Office

SQL Server 7.0

IIS 4.0



ArcView 3.1

MS Project


Site Server 3.0

Windows 95/2000




Visual InterDev 6.0/ASP/HTML

Linux 6.2

Java Script /VBScript

ERDAS Imagine


Macromedia Flash/Generator 4.0/5.0

DOS/Windows 3.1




Macromedia Fireworks 2.0

IRIX/Indigo Magic


GeoLink (GPS)



Blaze Advisor Solutions

Earth Vision




TCP/IP Concepts



SMTP Concepts


University of California, Los Angeles, March 1988.

In 1988, received an opportunity to pursue a career in the field of my greatest interest, computer technology, after having earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in my major, Geography and Geographic Analysis.

Subsequently completed certified training in Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Generator, Microsoft Site Server - Commerce Edition, Blaze Advisor Solutions (rules logic programming), and most ESRI products. In addition, completed the Cal State University Long Beach Software Project Management program.

Besides being engaged in continual personal research and study in computer science, successfully completed numerous intensive workshops, and have attended conferences and seminars in Internet Technologies, Management Theory and Finance, Software Engineering and Application Development, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

Communication skills: Studied and successfully applied in real situations management methods, team building skills, and conflict and harassment prevention measures. Experienced with instruction, government and private project negotiations, media interviews and public speaking. Working knowledge of Italian language.


04/99 to Present: Chief Technology Officer, Salesmation, Inc., Newport Beach, California. (Top)

Salesmation, founded in mid 1999, is a provider of advertising solutions for e-marketers and web publishers. The company offers a thoroughly functional package of services that automate all aspects of executing, controlling, tracking and reporting of online media campaigns. Nearly single-handedly, built the technical infrastructure of from day one. That included hiring all technical staff, coordinating and developing all supporting hardware and software, authoring of specifications and technical documentation, managing sub-consultants and contracts, along with participating in investor relations, fund-raising, mergers and acquisitions.

Salesmation was recently acquired by e-Synergies, Inc. Responsibilities include performance management of a permanent staff of nine engineers and 3 contractors, selection of computer hardware and operating systems, selection and management of hosting facilities, Internet Information Server (IIS) management, senior review of application coding, standards development, QA/QC, and all technical product development. Utilizing Site Server, SQL Server, IIS, and Active Server Pages (ASP) from the Microsoft family of products. I am also responsible for the accuracy and functional flexibility of application design along with hardware and software development, and for the evaluation and use of third-party E-commerce software and Customer Relationship Management software.

11/96 to 04/99: Information Systems Manager, FORMA Systems, Irvine, California. (Top)

FORMA Systems is a computer solutions firm originating from FORMA Design, Inc., a leading land planning and design firm in Orange County. It specializes in CADD and GIS applications revolving around the ESRI and AutoDesk product suites.

At FORMA I was responsible to the CEO for R and the planning and strategic development of Information Systems. Organized and directed the company-wide client migration from Windows 3.1 to Windows 95 along with upgrades to company file servers, software, and peripheral equipment, the migration of company server from Novell 3.12 to Unix Solaris, the development of company-wide e-mail, high speed Internet access and Intranet development, company financial software upgrades, and gearing the Y2K exposure towards minimal impact.

Further responsibilities included both in-house and client driven services: Retrained personnel towards more effective use of upgraded hardware and software. Provided secondary support for UNIX, NT, and Novell systems administration, personnel and budget management, proposal writing, coordination of marketing and business development, in-house and client-driven hardware/software planning and procurement, ArcView and ARC/INFO instruction of in-house staff and clients, mapping and GIS analysis using ARC/INFO (except COGO), software specification and application design, AML and AVENUE programming, database design, product development, aesthetically pleasing presentation and roll-out.

Specific Project Work:

  • The Tejon Ranch, Lebec, California. Geographic Information Implementation Study and Pilot Application Development.

  • The Valencia Company, Valencia, California. Development of an advanced Microsoft ACCESS database program and Geographic Information System for the tracking of Real Estate Sales data.

  • RM Johnson Company, Mission Viejo, California. Development of Computer Automated Real Estate Appraisal and Sales software.

  • The Irvine Company, Newport Beach, CA; Levine Fricke Recon, Irvine, CA; CH2M Hill, Irvine, California, along with many land development firms and public agencies. GIS planning, database design, spatial analysis and mapping, training, and AML and Avenue programming.

  • Universal City, Los Angeles, California. Software and database specification, design, and programming using ACCESS for the proprietary GIS and Entitlement Tracking System.

5/95 to 11/96: G.I.S. Manager, Geo InSight International, Inc., Ojai, California. (Top)

Geo InSight is a SBA 8(a) certified, Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB), consulting firm that provides full service GIS, CAD, Remote Sensing, and Digital Orthophotography.

Responsibilities: Project Manager and lead programmer for all AML and Avenue based application programming and commercial software development. Developer of concept, specification, design, and testing documents, the coding, on-line help, and installation routines for many client projects. Project manager and lead programmer for CAD Theme Builder? and Multimedia Theme Builder?, two popular ArcView add-on programs presently commercially available and utilized. Developer of programming and documentation (meta-data) standards, methodology, scoping and budget development for all GIS projects. Participant in all GIS related RFP and SOQ requests. Participant in the development of Geo InSight product and service marketing materials and Web pages. Routinely conducted project and capability demonstrations for prospective clients and instructed in-house and commercial training classes in the use of ArcView and ARC/INFO software.

Specific Project Work:

  • The Marine Corps Base Hawaii and the National Park Service. Project Manager for comprehensive GIS planning and implementation, database development, and technology transfer support. Lead technical programmer familiar with government contract requirements and procedures. Responsible for completing contract mandated progress reports, CDRL's, DD-250's, as well as, overall management and budget tracking of the more than $200,000 contract.

  • Lead programmer for the Toro Company SiteProŽ Central Control System software module used to control irrigation systems.

8/90 to 5/95: G.I.S. Project Manager and Information Solutions Work Group Leader, CH2M HILL, Santa Ana, California. (Top)

In this position managed personnel issues, participated in marketing and proposal efforts, and interacted with clients and other business lines within the CH2M HILL organization. As the alternate Systems Administrator for a network of UNIX workstations performed installation of new software, disk and file maintenance, backups, assigning of passwords and new accounts, user support, and hardware and software troubleshooting. Responsible for ArcView II Project development and setup for a number of existing GIS databases and GIS support for new undertakings.

Specific Project Work:

  • The Geographic Analysis, Design and Management of the San Gabriel Basin GIS: Responsible for the supervision of quality assurance procedures for water quality data for over two thousand wells (over 300,000 records), generation of chemical specific statistics and maps, creation, or, editing of all coverage (170) and database files, inclusive of digitizing and attributing, updating, or, input of well locations into the GIS from professional surveys, GPS, or USGS quad sheets, development and maintenance of GIS coverage documentation and procedures manuals, distribution of the database, user support to five government agencies, and, management of an 80,000 dollar yearly budget.

  • Environmental Protection Agency Remedial Investigations throughout the Central and West Basin Study Areas. As the Lead GIS Analyst carried out three-dimensional aquifer modeling and groundwater contamination plume modeling using data integrated into the GIS from a variety of sources. Designed large GIS databases and project methodologies ranging in scope from $40,000 to $100,000.

  • The Metropolitan Water District's Chino Basin Conjunctive Use Project. Developed the GIS database for more than a dozen 7.5' USGS quad sheets and numerous maps. In those, compiled and organized aerial photography and data in order to assist the selection of spreading grounds, extraction well locations, and water conveyance pipeline routes.

  • The El Toro and the ARCO Regional Groundwater Modeling Studies. Provided support which required ARC/INFO GRID analysis to calculate aquifer thickness, and integration of CFEST (Coupled Fluid, Energy, and Solute Transport) and MODFLOW model results into the GIS.

  • The Laguna Beach Fire Task Force. In October 1993, participated among organizers of consortium of competitive companies that donated data and services to the City of Laguna Beach which had been devastated by wild fires. Using GAP data and SPOT satellite images, calculated areas of burned vegetation to be reseeded and reinforced.

6/88 to 8/90: Geographic Information Systems Analyst, Earth Tech, San Bernardino, California. (Top)

Specific Project Work:

  • The Department of Defense Rail Garrison Program. Helped characterize the nation's rail network for use in a GIS by collecting railroad attribute information and assisted in the development of QA/QC procedures for the data collected. Played a principal role in employing various spatial analyses techniques to Department of Defense criteria followed by cut and fill studies to determine the optimum placement of garrisons for missile carrying trains. Obtained Security Clearance for this project.

  • The Los Angeles Metropolitan Water District. Member of a team which evaluated geographic data for seven potential dam sites. Approximately fifteen data layers each at five proposed water levels were analyzed for potential environmental impacts. Utilized and created a variety of techniques including overlay and buffering in order to generate a series of aesthetically pleasing and factually correct maps and tables.

10/83 to 6/88: Significant Career Experiences at the University of California at Los Angeles:

Part-time, for three years, Location Scout and Art Director's Assistant for Trans World International television shows The World Strongest Men, Survival of the Fittest, and Battle of the Network Stars.

1988 National Collegiate Athletic Association Champion in the decathlon. Silver medallist at the World University Games. Member of track and field teams that represented U.S.A. internationally.


  • "What, How, When and Now (March, 2001)
    A publication-pending paper submitted to CIO Magazine. The paper discusses my basic management strategies at Salesmation. These ways of conduct should beneficially assist any Information Systems professional who needs to successfully balance the time spent on technology strategies and tactics (the "WHAT" and "HOW"), with the time needed for technology management and deployment (the "WHEN" and "NOW").

  • Technology White Paper (October, 2000)
    An informative paper distributed to potential investors, partners, or clients of Salesmation. It explains the company's technical architecture.

  • Navigating the USGS Web Site (March, 1999)
    A presentation at the 1999 ESRI User Group Conference in San Diego detailing data processing and map generating techniques using USGS data sources.

  • U.S. Federal Aviation Association representatives acknowledged as outstanding the reports and flight modeling maps created while working as a consultant for BridgeNet International, a leading firm in the field of airport generated noise measuring and reduction.