Hello fellow Internet surfer and welcome to my home page. I'm very glad that you made it this far . . . and I hope that you'll stick around long enough to get to know just a little bit more about me and my life. After all, these days, acquaintances that begin in cyberspace are often the most real, vivid, and long-lasting - and maybe that will be true of us.

My Picture

Updated July 1, 1999

Example HR

I was born in Tripoli, the Capital of the north of Lebanon. I got my Bachelor degree in Physics in 1981 from the University of Lebanon, Faculty of Sciences, in Beirut which is a member of the international Universities Association.

After my graduation, I have worked as a Full-Time High School Teacher in Physics and Mathmatics for almost ten years. Usually, when I start doing something, I do it the best I can, therefore, I became one of the best teachers in Tripoli and I earned an excellent reputation. For this reason, when my friends encouraged me to come to Canada to improve my skills, it was, for the first moment, a frightened idea. But at the same time, in my deep, it was not that bad at all. In the other hand, How can I leave everything behind me and go to Canada?, I am throwing my self into the unknown. I was totally confused. Eventhough, after a long struggle with myself, I decided to take the chance and fly to Canada my future and my hope in October 27, 1991.

And, before we go any further, just in case (not that I'm looking to get hired, but - just
in case you ARE my big break), here's my resumé


I guess that the best and fastest way to really get to know me is by discovering what I like. So, here goes . . .
I like playing Soccer, watching Hocky games, surfing the Internet, and hearing interesting stories.

I'm an avid reader. Favorite books


This is a photographic retrospective of my life to date as well as some photos of my lovely


Another way to really get to know someone - especially someone who spends
as much time on the Internet as I do - is to learn their favorite sites:

Tucows Site
Intel Site
Microsoft Site

Thank you for visiting my homepage. I will be glad to receive from you new ideas, so, don't hesitate to
send me e-mail at: