Home Know about me About My Family My Resume Websites My Friends College Pictures India Pictures Malaysia Pictures
Know about me
I was born and brought up in chennai which is rich in the treasures of history, from temples and shrines to forts and palaces, the landscape of the past lives easily with the present.
About My Family
This website is dedicated to my family. Only because of their support I have come to certain level. You can see all our family pictures including my brother, uncles, aunts, my cousins etc. Watch Out!!!.
My Resume
Working as Java developer for past 3+ year. Proficient in 3-tier Architecture. Very good Experience in developing CRM Products and Financial Applications. Proficient with ASP, VBScript, IIS, VSS.
Designed, developed and maintaining my own website at http://www.myexpense.com. You can also find various links to my friends homepage and also some interesting links which will be helpful for you.
My Friends
My Friends..The coolest people on earth. This page is dedicated to my friends, without whom my world wouldn't be possible, whom I cherish and care for...Thank you all for adding so much to my life!
College Pictures
I graduated my Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science here. Its the place where I had lots of fun and got to know some good friends. Here you can see all our college pictures. Enjoy!!!
India Pictures

Under construction.

Malaysia Pictures
Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia where I worked, is a fascinating destination for sightseeing, culture, shopping, recreation or nightlife. The city possesses a unique charm and appeal of its own. Take a look!
LosAngeles Pictures
I have visited los angeles twice and love to visit again. I like Universal Studios better than Disneyland, which is meant for kids only. But still there are good shows for adults too. I like the rides in Universal Studios.
LosVegas Pictures
This place is only for person who wants to loose big money. Not for me because I am not ready to loose more than 100 bucks. But still, there are good shows over there. From there, we went to Sandiego SeaWorld.
Lake Tahoe Pictures
This is the place I have visited very frequently. Its nice place. We can take very good pictures here because of the climate. If you have a girlfriend, its more fun..I think!!!

SanFransisco Pictures
This is another place I visit frequently. I like Golden Gat Bridge and Crooked Street. Its fun driving on these roads in SF. There is some good vista points from where you can see full view of Golden Gate.
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