Visit VBGold Software
Free VB Projects, ActiveX Controls & Components


Free VB Projects

You can download the following Visual Basic projects for free. The projects were created and saved in VB5 but can be opened and run in VB6 also.
Although most of the projects (the code) will work in VB4 (and probably in VB3), you can not open the projects directly in these versions of VB.
If you want to use the code in VB4 (or in VB3), you must open the form (*.FRM) file in a text editor (e.g. Notepad), and copy / paste the code in your VB3 or VB4 code window. You must also create (insert) the required objects (buttons, labels, text boxes, etc.) on your form.

    How to find Windows and system directories, disk space and other disk information 
    How to launch a file with its associated application 
    How to exit Windows, log-off or reboot computer from VB code 
    Play AVI files inside a picture box on your VB form 
    Play WAV and MIDI files in your VB application 
    Play MPEG video clips inside your VB form 
    Read entire text file into a text box in one step (very fast) 
    Search for a specified string within another 
    Retrieve the disk free space (requires STKIT432.DLL) 
    Convert decimal (integer) numbers to binary format (string) 
    How to create a new MS Access database locked with password, from VB code 

More code is comming soon.....

ActiveX (OCX) Controls

  ActiveResize Control 

          ActiveResize is an intelligent VB form resizer ActiveX control that makes your Visual Basic applications completely resolution-independent, with absolutely no coding!

    Design your applications at any screen resolution and have them run and look exactly the same at any screen resolution. This gives your applications an equally professional look and feel on all systems, resulting in increased sales of your software.

    VBGold ActiveResize control automatically resizes and repositions all controls on a Visual Basic form when the form is resized either by the user or through code. The control automatically detects the resize event of its parent form and performs an exactly proportional resizing / repositioning on all form controls without requiring you to write a single line of code!

    ActiveResize handles virtually any type of controls. It also handles complex controls like the SSTab Tabbed Dialog control, all types of Microsoft DB Grids and Data Grids, as well as both the Microsoft FlexGrid (MSFlexGrid) and Hierarchical FlexGrid (MSHFlexGrid).

    The new version (3.0) supports all types of Sheridan controls & Grids (SSDBGrid, SSOleDBGrid, SSDBCombo, etc.). It also supports the MS Toolbar control and the MS Calendar control. In addition, it automatically resizes the form background picture to the actual size of the form even if the picture is smaller or larger than the form area.

    The ActiveResize control code was perfectly optimized for maximum processing speed, resulting in a perfect ultra-fast resizing / repositioning process that is completely invisible to the user.

    ActiveResize Control Features

  • VBGold ActiveResize control is the fastest form resizer control on the planet!. Its code is perfectly optimized to achieve the highest performance possible. This means that the user of your application will never see the controls changing their sizes and positions when he/she resizes the form.
  • Great processing speed even on very slow computers. ActiveResize was tested on a 133MHz Pentium with 64MB RAM, 2MB Graphics Adaptor RAM, with Windows 2000 Pro. OS and has displayed an equally great performance.
  • 100% flicker-free resizing / repositioning process (unlike most resize controls).
  • Makes your applications completely resolution-independent. They will look exactly the same on all screen resolutions.
  • Automatically resizes and repositions all form controls when forms load or resized without the need to write any code. The control automatically detects the Load and Resize events of its parent form and resizes / repositions the controls.
  • Precisely Resizes and repositions the controls with exact proportions to the changes in the form size. Your forms will look exactly the same when they are resized.
  • Allows you to specify whether the font size of control captions, control text and grid cells text of the controls should be resized when the controls are resized.
  • Allows you to exclude any control(s) from being resized, repositioned or its font get resized. This gives you full control over the entire resize process.
  • Allows you to save the current status of the form (its position and size/position of all controls) and restore the form status at any later time with only one line of code.
  • Can handle every new control created on the form at run-time.
  • Can handle any type of controls on the form, even graphics controls such as Image and Picture controls, Chart controls as well as Line and Shape controls.
  • Can handle controls nested within other (container) controls.
  • Can handle complex controls like the Tabbed Dialog Control (SSTab control) and all controls on it.
  • Can handle all data grid controls like the DataGrid, DBGrid, MSFlexGrid, MSHFlesGrid. All columns in these controls are resized proportionally to the new size of the control.
  • Supports all types of Sheridan controls & Grids (SSDBGrid, SSOleDBGrid, SSDBCombo, etc.).
  • Supports the MS Toolbar control and the MS Calendar control.
  • Automatically resizes the form background picture to the actual size of the form at run-time even if the picture is smaller or larger than the form area.
  • Enables you to specify a minimum and maximum size for your forms. At run-time, the form can not be resized smaller or larger than the specified minimum / maximum size. This ensures that all controls on the form will be appropriately visible.
  • Enables you to prevent the from from being minimized and / or maximized.
  • Works with SDI, MDI child, and MDI parent forms.
  • Ready to be used in your existing applications without the need to write or modify any code.
  • Works on all 32-bit versions of Windows and can be used in Microsoft Visual Basic (5 & 6).

    Download Active Control (Complete setup package - 1.89Mb) 

    Download ActiveResize Control (OCX file only - 150Kb) 
    Download ActiveResize Control help file (included in the setup - 58Kb) 



  Smart Print Control 

          Smart Print Control is a 32-bit ActiveX (OCX) control that makes printing reports, text strings and text files from within your Visual Basic applications as easy as you can imagine. You no more need to use the Visual Basic Printer object and write complex routines that have to figure out how to format each line of text to fit on the paper, based on the font name and size used, and taking into consideration the type of printer used, the paper size, paper orientation, document margins, number of pages required, etc. With Smart Print Control, you just supply the document title, document text, and optionally document header and footer, at design-time or at run-time and you are done. No more headache with printing using the Visual Basic Printer object.

    Smart Print Control provides you with great flexibility in printing your documents, by allowing you to:

  • Print text supplied from within your code, from a text box, label control or other controls on your form, or text supplied by the user
  • Print normal text files of any size by just using the FileName property of the control
  • Print documents by retrieving some or all document data directly from a text file
  • Specify a different font name, font size, bold, italic, charset etc. for each one of the document title, text, header and footer separately
  • Specify the document top, bottom, left, and right margins separately
  • Query all physical and logical printers installed on your system (retrieve the names and number of printers)
  • Select the printer device to print to, if there are more than one printer installed on your system
  • Select the paper bin (from among 12 standard printer bin types)
  • Select the paper size (from among 20 standard paper sizes)
  • Select the paper orientation (portrait or landscape)
  • Select the print quality (draft, low, medium, or high)
  • Specify the line spacing (single, 1.5 lines or double spacing)
  • Specify the number of copies to print
  • Print page numbers
  • Print a border around the document with a specified line width
  • Include the current (system) date and time in the document footer
  • Print a separating line below header and above footer with a specified line width
  • Notifies you about the printing progress (which page is currently being printed)
  • Notifies you when any errors occur while sending the document to the printer and when the printing is completed

         Smart Print Control automatically formats the document text, including the document title, header and footer, based on the specified font names, sizes, etc. and automatically word-wraps text so that lines are correctly fit on the paper, taking into consideration the paper size and paper orientation of the default system printer.

         Smart Print Control can be used in any 32-bit programming language that support ActiveX (OCX) controls, such as Visual Basic 4 (32-bit), VB5, VB6, Visual C++, Delfi, etc.

    Download Smart Print Control (Complete setup package - 1.45Mb) 

    Download Smart Print Control (OCX file only - 23Kb) 
    Download Smart Print Control help file (included in the setup - 13Kb) 

    Note: If you download the OCX file only, you need to have the VB6 runtime libraries installed on your system. Althought the control OCX has no other dependencies, it is recommended that you download the complete setup package.

Visit VBGold Software
Free VB Projects, ActiveX Controls & Components

    Copyright © 1999-2003 - Dr. Kamal A. Mehdi
    Last updated: 01 January 2004
     E-mail me at