Roguelike Pocket PC



This site is dedicated to Rogue-like games for the Pocket PC. Though only a few have been ported so far, it is my hope that a few more will jump on the bandwagon.


What is Rogue & the Like?

Rogue is an adventure/roleplaying game written by Michael Toy & Glenn Wichman in the early 1980s. It was revolutionary in that each game was randomized and played out differently, and characters and symbols were displayed in a graphical maze-like fashion--as opposed to the purely text descriptions of the day. Players wandered a dungeon, hacking and slashing monsters, gaining treasures, and becoming more powerful. It was a good game and is still played today. But it is simple and limited in comparison to the many descendants it has spawned.

Although the common features of rogue and its many descendants are `obvious' to many people, they are difficult to describe in simple terms. Generally, the games mentioned below are single-user, fantasy role-playing computer games, generally set in a dungeon, run with a simple character or a graphic interface. In all of the games, the player controls a single character, who roams around getting more powerful, in order to fulfill a difficult quest. Sword-and-sorcery rule the day. Logistically, they're all free games; executables, and generally sources, are available by FTP.

Rogue-like Pocket PC Ports

bulletAngband CE
bulletnanRogue 0.9
bulletNetHack 3.4.2
bulletPocket Rogue

What's  New

bulletNetHack has been updated to version 3.4.2. More... - Sept. 11, 2003
bulletThis website is born on the anniversary of 9/11! <Salute> - Sept. 11, 2003

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 Copyright © 2003 Jong Jung-Bu. All rights reserved.
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Last updated: 09/11/03.