You do not belong here. Leave this place at once.

For the love of cats, I somehow managed to have my 2000th visitor. That's pretty impressive, considering this site is only about... FOUR YEARS OLD!!! Why is it still here? Why didn't Geocities/Yahoo/Lord Krang erase it for sitting here collecting dust and not being touched in well over a year? I don't know, seems pretty strange to me. Anyway.. I'm in Japan. I've been here for four months now. I still have a year of studying computers and math and crap back at WMU in the United Kingdom of America. But I don't want to think about that crap, I'm enjoying my exchange student life while I can.

I once wrote poems
To live here for some reason
Now I'm too lazy

I once ate a horse

The only way you'll EVER get off my page/island!

I am very easily offended. SAVE FUTURAMA! CLICK NOW!

You are the isht
person to visit this site.
My counter mysteriously dissapeared somewhere around 1500, so this isn't completely accurate.
But Congratulations!
You win 1 million dollars!*

New In case you care:
This page was last updated: 2/5/03

you weirdo! Guestbook by GuestWorld what a bunch of weirdos!

*Provided at your own expense
This page was made under the assumption that your computer is exactly the same as mine. If you want to steal anything from this page, I really don't care as much as you might think I would. People who say they will hunt down and prosecute or kill anyone that steals from their page are retarded. Like they really know when someone steals something! This site probably looks best in some resolution on some browser, but I really couldn't care less as to what the resolution and browser are. It looks good enough on my computer, so you're just gonna have to live with it! The pretty little "NEW" thing in which I didn't bother making every frame the same size indicates which section of my page was most recently updated. So if I don't bother updating my page for months and it's still by the Saturn page, that's because I HAVEN'T UPDATED MY PAGE IN MONTHS(/years)!! You get the idea. Of course, it's still up to you to figure out what's new...

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