Hello, welcome to my place in Silicon Valley.

On this page you will be able to read about trams, Star Wars, Computers and maybe some other subjects that someone makes me interested in. To begin with i will part this page in diffirent sections, and if a section get to large, I'll make a new page to that section. Now a word about me, I study computertechnology at the Royal University of Technology in the "Swedish Silicon Valley", Kista in the northen part of Stockholm, Sweden. If you have any tips on links or subjects, maybe you know something about something i don't, please send me an e-mail or if you have ICQ you can contact me there, my UIN is 2148027, in case you don't, I have an ICQ Communication Panel that you can send a message through. I try to add something at least every week. What's next? no one knowes... Some subjects (maybe all in the future) will get pages of their own. At this moment, they are:

If you are from Sweden, or maybe you read swedish of any other reason, please visit my swedish pages. Besök mina svenska sidor! new from December 15th 1998


Or streetcars if you like, a nice mean of transportation. They are usualy found in cities. The main source of energy is electricity, but there are other ways to get them roling. In San Fransisco for instance, they have giant cables running in the streets, that the trams hook on to to get moving.

Djurgårdslinjen in Stockholm

This is a museum-tramway, and most of the trams are from Stockholm, from the time before 1967, when there were trams all over Stockholm, some trams however is from Gothemburg, a city on the swedish west coast which didn't stop the tramtraffic when Sweden changed to right-hand-traffic in 1967. The trams run on 750 V direct current, a pretty normal voltage, and are, with a couple of exceptions, blue like they've always been in Stockholm.

Star Wars

Three of the best movies, so far, made ever. In May 1999 the fourth movie will be released in U.S.A., however in Sweden, for example, we'll have to wait until the 20:th of August. This movie, chronologically the first in the series of nine, will reveal what happened to Anakin Skywalker (Luke's Father and later aka Darth Vader) and Obi-Wan Kenobi (aka Ben) when they where younger.
In the threee movies that has already been released we learn about Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia and the rest of the rebel alliance and it's struggle to defeat the evil Emperor Palpadine and his right hand, Darth Vader.


When I talk about computers i mean PC's and maybe in some cases Commodore 64, but not, i mean NEVER, about what is commonly knows as Donald-Duck-Computers (no offence Disney) i.e. boxes with some chips in and some misscolored banana or something on the front and a name that wants to tells you it is some other kind of fruit.
There are some great games to play on PC's, some of my favorites are:
  • Wolfenstein 3D, a game very mush like Doom and Quake, only it came many years before. It takes place in WW II, You are an american prisoner that shall escape from the great castle.
  • Duke Nukem 3D, an other game in the same genre as Wolfenstein, but not quite as old, which shows in the graphics. In this G
  • SimCity 2000, a game where You are the mayor of a city, and You have to dicide where to build what, and how much taxes You should make Your citizens pay. I'm doing some own graphics using the Urbal Renewal Kit, and will place some of it here for downloading. If You have any graphics that You would like to share, You're welcome to mail them to me.


In this section I will collect link's to sites i like to visit, if you miss anyone, please send an e-mail, and i'll consider placing it here. Tram Now Join AllAdvantage.com



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© Stig-Erik A. Blomquist
Last Updated: April 22:th 2004
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