Ryan's Site
Devoted to QB and FB Programming
Jocke Attack
Project started 12/26/04

Well, I think the name speaks for itself, but I'll go ahead and put a little more info here. Basically, it's my first FreeBASIC project, a simple text adventure. The idea is you play a ticked off Jocke on a murderous rampage until you get bored or taken out by the police. Now, I won't presume to know what Jocke's real life looks like or if he really gets this upset, so I'm taking creative license in the game. I made it without his knowledge, so please don't call the cops on him.

Download Latest Version (Demo 1, 12/27/04, 750 lines so far)

  • Explore Jocke's apartment. Word to the wise: examine everything.
  • Commands enabled: look, go, back, examine, get, drop, wear, wield, remove, status, inventory, equipment, eat, drink, put, help, open, quit
  • Shortened commands supported (l = look, ex = examine, i = inventory, eq = equipment, etc.).
  • Use the go command to move or just type the exit's name (ex: "closet" works like "go closet"). Use the back command to return to the room you just came from.
  • You can "look in" container items like dressers and bathtubs and use "get ---- from ----" to get something out of them.
  • The commands equipment, eq, and worn all do the same thing.
  • Just type ! to repeat the last command.
  • Type any part of an item when manipulating it. (ex: "get kat" works just as well as "get katana" and "get to from sink" works like "get toothbrush from sink")

Many thanks to v1ctor for FreeBASIC and VonGodric for the IDE that's made things oh so much easier!

-Jocke Attack-


This web site and its contents were all made by me over the course of several years. Hope you had fun perusing the pages!