Welcome To Our Home on the Web!

Sorry we haven't updated the site in quite some time! The boys are keeping us pretty busy! Enjoy browsing through the pictures below. Drop us a note sometime to let us know how your family is doing!

April 2005 Collage!
March 2005 Collage!
February 2005 Collage!
January 2005 Collage!
December 2004 Collage!
Eric up close and personal! Aug. 2004
Eric's having fun playing with Daddy, Aug. 2004
Eric in the Johnny Jumper, Aug. 2004
Eric and Mommy at the Farmstead, Aug. 2004
Jacob catching a fish at the Farmstead, Aug. 2004
Jacob getting ready for his first soccer practice (it got rained out), Aug. 2004
Jacob on the slip-n-slide, Aug. 2004
Jacob's T-ball Picture!, July 2004
Jacob and Eric at Chuck E Cheese, July 2004
Jacob holding his little brother, July 2004
Jacob and Eric cuddling in Mommy & Daddy's bed, July 2004
Eric and Daddy asleep in the chair, June 2004
Our niece, Sadie kissing her baby cousin Eric, June 2004
Our niece and nephew (Sadie & Ethan) sitting together outside, June 2004

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