CMC Changes: 20040916 - 20041025
Balance Changes
Life Projector 4D/5D cc -> 3D/4D
First Avrillian gains uniqueness
Drecker [INF] 14L/15L cc -> 12L/14L
Tesla 30/55 -> 35/55
Gildward [INF] 6L/6L cc -> 4L/4L
Angel Protector 20/30 -> 25/35
Skeletal Warrior 55/20 -> 55/30
Miasma Factory loses uniqueness
Bug Fixes
Valhalla loses speed summon
Teleport Gate destroys itself properly
Fairy Kingdom affects both sides of the field
New cards
Neirsted Stone
Melrak Spellsieger
Once again the balance changes are from the 'Balance thread'
More spelling/capitalisation updates from MooNFisH