#nop // Written by sqweekette@yahoo.com #nop // Just a few aliases to set up targetting... 'targ Bob' will #nop // target Bob and then just typing 'mt' will murder Bob #nop // Also, the current target will be highlighted in light magenta #nop // and previous targets will by highlighted in magenta. #nop // Note that to keep these targets highlighted over sessions it #nop // is necessary to write them to a file when you exit and read them #nop // back next time you connect. #nop #variable {targ} { } #alias {targ} {#if {[$targ]=[ ]} {#nop} else {#highlight {magenta} $targ}; #var {targ} %0; #highlight {light magenta} %0; #showme %0 targetted.} #alias {kt} {hit $targ} #alias {ht} {hit $targ} #alias {mt} {murder $targ}