Subset-Sum Problem
Exact algorithm - Dynamic programming

In the subset-sum problem we wish to find a subset of A.1,...,A.N whose sum is as large as possible but not larger than T (capacity of the knapsack).

The time complexity of the following exact algorihm is O(MIN(2**(N+1),N*T). The algorithm encodes the result as bit string. For example:

N=10; T = 69
A.1 = 5; A.2 = 9; A.3 = 13; A.4 = 4; A.5 = 1
A.6 = 17; A.7 = 11; A.8 = 2; A.9 = 3; A.10 = 12

The result is 743, it is the bit string 1011100111 and it means that elements with indexes (read the bit string from the right to the left) 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10 belong to subset. Proof: A.1 (5) + A.2 (9) + A.3 (13) + A.6 (17) + A.7 (11) + A.8 (2) + A.10 (12) = 69

Unit: internal subroutine
Global variables: array A.1,...,A.N of positive integers, output array X.
Parameters: a positive integer N, a positive integer T
Result: output array X., where X.J=1 if item A.J is selected; or X.J=0 otherwise (for J=1,...,N)

DPS: procedure expose A. X.
parse arg N, T
/* for N <= 10000 */
numeric digits 3011; Nd = 2 ** N - 1
numeric digits LENGTH(Nd)
A1.0 = 0; X.0 = 0; S = 1
B = 2; A1.1 = A.1; X.1 = 1; M = 2
do until M > N | A1.S = T
  I = 0; K = 0; H = 1
  Y = A.M; Sp1 = S + 1; A1.Sp1 = 1E+100
  A2.0 = 0; X2.0 = 0
  do while MIN(Y, A1.H) <= T
    K = K + 1
    if A1.H <= Y
      then do
        A2.K = A1.H; X2.K = X.H; H = H + 1
      else do
        A2.K = Y; X2.K = X.I + B
    if A2.K = Y
      then do
        I = I + 1; Y = A1.I + A.M
  S = K; B = 2 * B
  do J = 1 to S
    A1.J = A2.J; X.J = X2.J
  M = M + 1
BinXS = X.S
do J = 1 while BinXS > 0
  X.J = BinXS // 2
  BinXS = BinXS % 2
do J = J to N; X.J = 0; end



For N=100;T=25557 and the array A. created by statements:

Seed = RANDOM(1, 1, 481989)
do J = 1 to N
  A.J = RANDOM(1, 1000)

I compared the algorithms for solution of the Subset-sum problem and my algorithm DIOPHANT for solution of the diofantine equations.

I halted the EXACT_SUBSET_SUM after 30 minutes of computations. For APPROX_SUBSET_SUM I used the value Epsilon=0.5


Subset-sum problem - Comparison of Algorithms
Algorithm Subset sum Seconds
GS 25554      0.05 
DPS 25557   240.24 
APPROX_SUBSET_SUM 25436    12.31 
DIOPHANT 25557      0.82 



Martello S., Toth P. Knapsack Problems: Algorithms nad Computer Implementations
Chichester, John Wiley & sons 1990

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last modified 8th August 2001
Copyright © 2000-2001 Vladimir Zabrodsky
Czech Republic