There is an another way to obtain the value of the number
e: we can compute the number
e only once and save its value into the text of the function. See the technique
Beforehand computed constants. The following
ECONST function can be used to computing of the first
P significant decimal digits of
e, for
ECONST: procedure; V = ''
V = V || 2.718281828459045235360287471
V = V || 35266249775724709369995957496
V = V || 69676277240766303535475945713
V = V || 82178525166427427466391932003
V = V || 05992181741359662904357290033
V = V || 42952605956307381323286279434
V = V || 90763233829880753195251019012
return V
The statement Eulers_number=E(1000) computes the E function in a loop (450 iterations) and consumes
1.28 seconds of processing time.