Generate random number from given interval. In standard Rexx we can use the RANDOM built-in function. It returns an integer chosen uniformly from the interval [Min,Max], Min>=0. In Regina Max<=100000.
A very standard technique for generating pseudorandom numbers is the use of linear congruential generators (LCG) which were first introduced D. H. Lehmer in 1948. LCGs compute the
Ith integer in a pseudorandom sequence via the iterative equation
where multiplier A, increment C, and modulus M determine the statistical quality of the generator. If A and M are not relatively prime, the sequence probably will not be very random.
A=16807, C=0 and M=2**31-1 (M=2147483647) define a generator which has a full period and is demonstrably random. It has been exhaustively tested. The resulting sequence will be statistically indistinguishable from a sequence drawn at random from the set 1,2,...,M-1. Here 16807 and 2**31-1 are relatively prime and
Knuth D. E. Seminumerical Algorithms, vol. 2 of The Art of Computer Programming
Addison-Wesley, 1973
Park S. K., Miller K. W. Random Number Generators: Good ones are hard to find
CACM October 1988 Vol. 31 No. 10, pp. 1192-1201