Matrix multiplication

If A. is an M by N matrix, B. is an N by R matrix, and C. is an M by R matrix, then C.=A.*B. means that:  

do I = 1 to M
  do K = 1 to R
    C.I.K = 0
    do J = 1 to N
      C.I.K = C.I.K + A.I.J * B.J.K

This calculation would involve M*N*R multiplications. The algorithm, discovered by Shmuel Winograd, uses FORMAT(N/2,,0)*M*R+(N%2)*(M+R) multiplications. It saves about half of the multiplications.


Odd = N // 2
do K = 1 to R
  Y.K = 0
  do J = 1 to N % 2
    JpJ = J + J; JpJm1 = JpJ - 1
    Y.K = Y.K + B.JpJm1.K * B.JpJ.K
do I = 1 to M
  X = 0
  do J = 1 to N % 2
    JpJ = J + J; JpJm1 = JpJ - 1
    X = X + A.I.JpJ * A.I.JpJm1
  do K = 1 to R
    C.I.K = 0
    if Odd then Z = A.I.N * B.N.K
           else Z = 0
    do J = 1 to N % 2
      JpJ = J + J; JpJm1 = JpJ - 1
      C.I.K = C.I.K + (A.I.JpJ + B.JpJm1.K) *,
                      (A.I.JpJm1 + B.JpJ.K)
    end J
    C.I.K = C.I.K - X - Y.K + Z
  end K
end I


I used the following program for Nd=10,100,200

parse arg Nd; numeric digits Nd
M = 20; N = 20; R = 20
A. = 1 / 3; B. = 1 / 3
/* fragments of code follow */

Results of the tests

Running time in seconds for M = 20, N = 20, R = 20
Algorithm Nd = 10 Nd = 100 Nd = 200
definition  0.93 23.13 90.13
Winograd  0.33 13.78 49.76


Knuth D. E., Seminumerical Algorithms, vol. 2 of The Art of Computer Programming
Addison-Wesley, 1973

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last modified 1st August 2001
Copyright © 2000-2001 Vladimir Zabrodsky
Czech Republic